Do you think I missed an opportunity?

Ok so I’m slightly confused, the guy I like & have liked for like 2 years now was on msn last night and he said hello then asked me out, but cause I have no confidence in my self that he could actually like me I just said hello back and put a confused face then he went offline, then about half an our later he came back on and didnt mension what he said earlyier and we were just having a normal convo, do you think I missed an opportunity? Sorry carnt spell. Also, how could I start a dirty conversation with him? With details please? Thanks for your advice in advance lol :) Xxx

Answer #1

Why don’t you just ask him about it? Or see if he likes you, try to little hints that you like him. And for a flirty convo, start joking around with him when the covo is starting to get boring just be like sssooo…what are you wearing?(; lol or say well ima go and take a shower..join me? (; lol (and if he says anything back than just keep talking to him you don’t really have to get in the shower lmao)

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