what can I tell him...

well my bestfriend has a bad life and I mean bad he saw 7people die 3people was friends and he said “I can have my friends but…” and he told me the bad thing is… he did not tell his mother no one but me and his dad was bad he killed my bestfriend grandmother and he was going to kill my friend and his mother too now his dad is in jail for life but I dont know what to tell him he saw 7 people die see the people and friends in pain and well he had to tell the family (tell the family that someone in the family die something like that) and its sad he cant stop thinking about it all…

Answer #1

As a friend you should really convince him to go to counseling because nobody can deal with that type of trauma alone. It’s a great step in healing that he has opened himself to you but now he should go forward to talk to a professional. He can check if there is someone at school that can refer him if not ask his family for help. You are a good friend to listen and support him but be a better friend by telling him he needs help.

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