What Can I talk to my boyfriend about?

What Can I talk to my boyfriend about? We always run out of what to say..fast too. In person its awkward because theres silence, And through text we dont even text as much as we used too before.

Answer #1

Anything. The first few weeks of a relationship are basically getting to know a person, favorite colors, numbers, favorite dumb cartoons, etc. After that, you should be able to talk freely. What you did yesterday, funny things that have happened, weather or not you prefer toe socks or normal ones :P communication is important but that doesn’t just mean about the serious stuff. you have to be able to giggle and talk about nothing. Next time there’s a silence, Just say something (AFTER it goes through the filter) you would be amazed at what you can make a conversation out of. A messy room, your annoying brother, favorite childhood games. My boyfriend and I had a thing, whenever there was a silence, we’d ask what the other was thinking and that would always start up a new conversation. We could talk for hours. But it really all comes down to how comfortable you are together, how well you can talk, and know each other. And Silence doesn’t have to be awkward, it can be comfortable to.

Answer #2

When you and me are silent its NormaL (:

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