What can I do to make myself pretty??

Ok, I’m sick of the guys at my school calling me ugly. I mean, I know I’m not all that pretty, but I think I am a lil pretty. is there anything that I can do to get guys to notice me and think I’m pretty??

  • Tela
Answer #1

Hey.. I also think you are pretty.. I think maybe the ones that call you ugly are the one who liked you, or someone in that click that started to call you ugly likes you and thats how he started to get your attention.. I agree 10000% with the last comment.. Confidence is the key, you could be the Best looking girl in the school and if you feel ugly you would show that others it is very unattractive and don’t let people get to you.. Tell them boys if you are so ugly why they noticing you and giving you time.. Last if you want to and just because you want a change, I think a Thin layer of eye liner On the TOP of your eye Would look nice (not on the Bottom) it could be pencil or liquid, then I would put on very light lip gloss something that matches your lip color..Then go to school like you own it and really believe it caz you are pretty but no matter how pretty you are you will be some boyz type and others not their type.. so what..!

Answer #2

Maybe they’re just being ironic… If anyone called you ugly they’d probably be calling more than half the girls that (judging from your pictures)… There was that guy at work who liked me (as just about all of them at the time lol), but back then I used to really not feel pretty, and to wander why anyone would like me, and one day that song was playing (‘you’re beautifuuul, you’re beautifuuul it’s true”), and he was oversinging “you’re so ugly” lol… I started crying because I thought he was being serious and was insulting me… whereas really it’s obvious he liked me, we went out later for my 21st with my workmates and as we were going out of a club he grabbed my hand (in front of quite a few people we knew), and then when I got out of the taxi to go home after saying thank you for coming he blew a kiss in the air at me… hehehehe… Just to say that guys can be a bit funny sometimes and we girls totally blind or paranoid… Maybe they think you obviously know you’re pretty and would understand the message they actually find you pretty ? About self-confidence I’m not too sure it’s the most powerful seduction trait a girl can have… Some guys may think so, but I think some guys prefer girls that look a bit shy or not that sure of themselves because they think it’s cute and touching, and that you may like them more if you’re not over self-confident :) … So stay yourself, don’t be too obsessed with your looks, but if you want to look prettier, maybe grow your hair a bit, I think shoulder-length hair with layers would suit you, and try more flattering clothes, not sure black and white stripes do anyone any favours lol :), apart from that you seem to be very reasonable looking !!


Answer #3

ignore them and be yourself because if they dont like you screw them because ull find someone who does

Answer #4

The guys must feel intimidated by you…cause I dont see no ugly! Either you do them a favor and give them time to mature or forget about em’! >>>and if I were you I would forget about em’

Answer #5

I honestly dont think your ugly but if you feel insecure about yourself then thats the most important thing. Get a nice hair cut and maybe change the colour. Look through magazines for ideas Learn how to do really good make up If you feel you look good, then everyone else will beleive it too.

Answer #6

for some reason the girls who guys call ugly in school turn out to be the most beautiful women when they get older, im not sure why but believe me its true, YOUR NOT UGLY ANYWAY there just stupid kids. They will be begging you for a date in no time. TRUST ME I KNOW!!

Answer #7

Well have you tried make up?,and if that didn’t work it probably be something about your attitude or the way you interact with others.I’m a girl too I don’t wear make up but how do you react to a boy who’s really cute? that’s probably where problem comes along

Answer #8

by the look of your pictures you are very pretty! The best thing to do is be confident. You can wear makeup, but I wouldn’t wear a lot, I would go for a more natural look. You are a very gorgeous girl, if those guys don’t notice it then maybe they are the ones that are ugly!

Answer #9

wait a minute, can you get any pretier than that, I dont belive it, I mean you’ll be an angel then, I wish I went to your school to shut them up

Answer #10

Don’t bother with those kids. They must have some sort of jealousy problems or something. Honestly, its something almost everyone went through at some point in our lives. I know it sucks having someone sit there calling you ugly, its all part of growing up though. People are just mean and do that because they know it makes you upset, don’t let it get to you. As much as it sucks, you have to just be yourself. Always remember that we all hold true beauty, inside and out. Them calling you ugly makes them feel good because they are jerks, so just tell them “I don’t feel the need to impress people like you.” You don’t have time for those kinds of people. You’ll get through it.

Answer #11

Well I’ve been their before. Well get a new look a fresh style. Let your hair grow and stuff. A hair cut could make a huge change. Cause of the hair cut and my eyebrows done I was noticed by all. I also found the perfect guy. He thought I was beautiful even without all of that. Just wait until they notice… If you feel bueatiful everyone well see that part of you.

Answer #12

You are pretty. It sounds like your looks are not the issue here.

You need to look for some support for your self esteem and self confidence and it also appears that the other main issue is that some of your school mates are bullying you.

What you are going through at school is not unusual, people in this world can be pretty cruel at times.

Take care

Answer #13

Your gorgeous screw those idiots. :]

Answer #14

You are pretty. Not everyone is drop-dead gorgeous. Why would those guys be saying sh*t like that to you. Just ignore them.

Answer #15

you need to lose bout 20 pounds

Answer #16

put on subtle makeup

Answer #17

hon you dont need a makeover…u need 2 be run over

Answer #18

it means you fugly

Answer #19

you can be yourself.=]

Answer #20

thanks… I mean I wear make up but not that much, just eye liner, some eye shadow, lip gloss, and that’s all. and thanks, all of ya’ll.

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