Hello, im a 19yr old male and my girlfriend has been insisting that I seek some sort of help. I have just recently started having sex with her but I have had sex a few times before her and every other day since we got together and I have cum while masterbating but I have never cum while having sex. I dont know exactly what is going on. I’ve tried everything I can think of, like thinking of things, focusing on it, even at my most desperate tried porno..Nothing has worked…I can easily go 2.5 hours without cumming…I always get to the point where I feel like im going to and then it just goes away. I have no clue what to do…Is there anything I can take or anyone have any similar problems they worked out? Any info will help. My girlfriend is feeling very low about herself because of this, she thinks she isn’t good enough and I don’t want her to think that anymore.. if you have any information please let me know I will try anything to fix this problem. You can contact me at residentredneck18@yahoo.com just post joe got a sollution for you. PLEASE HELP IF POSSIBE.

Answer #1

^^ Yeah, He has said it all pretty much. ^^

But just one thing I know one guy that had this prob, He just stopped playing with himself, for like a week then chick and him had sex and well yeah.

Good luck sweety!

Answer #2

hey man, this is no big deal. I had the same problem myself. The problem is you are too use to your hand and the more pressure a hand can give than puss. there are several things you can do here. first off, try to stop jacking off so much, at least a few days before you are going to f** your girlfriend. and then let her have it, fast as you can pump. also try thinking of the most dirty sex you can. like doing her sister or best friend, or all your friends doing your girlfriend cumming inside her one after the other. you can also try jacking off on her tis or belly just to end your session after fu*ing her for a while. also, try limiting your jack off time. set a limit of 15 minutes and if you don’t cum in that time, then stop and try later. do you wear a condom during sex. if you do keep wearing one. you don’t want to get her pregnant or catch any disease. but try jacking off with a condom on. this will get your dick use to the feeling of one. and try putting a drop of lubricant inside the rubber. this will add more stimulation to your dickhead and help you cum sooner. and just be proud of yourself dude. most men cum under 10 minutes but realize that a stud like you will have them coming back and begging for more of that dick! and also, porn is great and all, I watch it a lot, but realize it is fantasy. don’t expect all that in real life. have fun!

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Sex education, Intimacy, Relationship advice