What can I do for my gauges?

Soo I have gauges and their a size 5/8. I’ve been thinking about taking them out for a little while. I KNOW they won’t completely close blaah blah blah BUT if I decide to put them back in later, would they be able to go back up to my current size easily?

Answer #1

They can indeed close completely whoever told you that can’t lied to you. Usually though your ears become stretchier after the first time. I was at 0’s the first time and let them close all the way to 16’s or so and went back from 16 to 0 in a week as it didnt hurt gauging them again.

Answer #2

it depends how long you keep them out for and if the holes have completely healed aka you havent just gauged them a week ago or something they will inevetably shrink a little bit but it shouldnt be too much

Answer #3

Okay sweet thanks. No I’ve had them for over a year and I’d like to just not wear them for a little awhile, they kind of become a hassle since you ALWAYS have them it’s like a shirt you always have to wear. I don’t expect them to completely close, obviously they won’t, but I have a feeling I’ll end up wanting them again so I was wondering if anyone knows if it would be easy to eventually go up again. thanks for the reply! (:

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