What can I do about armpits?

I keep my armpits shaved, and I always use deodorant, but recently I have had to apply deodorant 3 or 4 times within an hour because the smell wears off and I find I have a really horrible smell.

please tell me what I can do, because I dont like taking my jacket off or my top off in front of my boyfriend because of it :(

please help. thankyou x

Answer #1

my sister went ot the doctor and he gave her some specail deodrant

Answer #2

try secret clinical strength…I’ve heard good things about it! its pretty cheap too. I just bought a stick of it today and im anxious to see if it will work! good luck :)

Answer #3

Hmm, I’m not sure waht to do about the arm pit issue, but just do you deodarnt normally and buy some good smelling perfume, and just spray some on urself everytime your at your locker so you smell good thruout the day,I buy mine from victioria secrects :) so more sprays just makes you smell even better, gooodluckk :)

Answer #4

I would say talk to your doctor about it he/she probably knows of a great brand that lasts longer then the common ones at the stores also I would suggest to try a few different brands of deodorant untill you find one that lasts

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