What can I do

It’s soo bad to happend all the time there is so many things changed btween us and I wont to find something new but his not the kind of go out boy I wont to do something to make this to work out what can I do? We are together sence a year and his is 15 and I 14 what can I do I don’t wont to be boring of him please help

Answer #1

okay try re-asking the question with proper grammar than maybe I can help. that question made no sense.

Answer #2

Hun, this is your first relationship. Not all relationships are a lifetime. No one wants to accept the fact that the relationship may end. But, a person will usually have several relationships over the course of their life. It is a natural part of life and a necessary one. With each relationship, a person is learning; learning what is needed to maintain a relationship and how to deal with problems. You are VERY young, too young to be tied down to just one person. Teens are growing and changing, and so do feelings.

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