What can a 13 year old do for a job?

I tottaly need money for my shopping spree in new york I only have like 92$ lucky for me my b-day is in september my goal is 400 but I no I need more pleez help :[

Answer #1

just mow your lawn and ask your dad 4 monay!

Answer #2

Weeding gardens, baby sitting, grass cutting, raking, sweeping, chores for family members, or family friends, help with dishes, laundry etc

Answer #3

supermarkets, small delis, and such are usually a target around that age depending on where you live and who you know. other than that, you got the paper route option. or run errands for the elderly in your neighborhood.

Answer #4

Try picking berries or apples or something. I used to do that but ended up going like, 1 raspberry for them, 1 berry for me, one for them etc so I didnt end up getting a lot lol! At 13 its probably worth it tho

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