What brands of wireless internat is there?

Ok so my mom got me an emachine laptop by acer. And I have never had a laptop befor so I wan wondering if y’all knew where to start and what to do. Like I am a blonde so make is simple and step by step. Thank you and I will answer some questions for y’all..

Answer #1

More than likely your laptop supports WiFi which means you can usually connect to the internet where there is an open router. If you know who owns the router and it’s locked, then they can give you a key to allow you to connect. Usually, hotels, libraries, lots of restaurants, etc offer free WiFi. You can also usually piggyback onto a neighbors WiFi with their permission (and possibly a key). One note here though; it is illegal to piggyback a router without permission. I’ve done it in the past. I leave my router open to anyone who wants to connect, and I do have an agreement with two of my neighbors so that should a connection be down, we piggyback off each other. So to shut us down we’d have to lose cable, DSL, fiber and 3G all at the same time.

Otherwise, there is 3G which requires a piece of hardware and a service plan with one of the wireless carriers. These can be expensive plans (eg >$50mo) however you will be able to use the net anywhere you have cell phone coverage.

Feel free to funmail me and I can go into more specifics for you.

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