What are you going to be for Halloween?

I just ordered a “jack sparrow” costume a few days ago, and from the email I got, it’ll be here soon. It seems pirates costumes are very popular this year. So, what are you going to be for halloween?

Answer #1

im going to be a emo ragedy ann im not completly sure yet

Answer #2

goth ragedy ann costume

Answer #3

I am getting a prison costume and im gonna wear it to school. Thats wear I am during the day anyways. Lol, school is pratically prison, the food sucks, people dont get a long, and they tell us when we can go home. Haha.

Answer #4

Me and my friends are all going to be a group of zombies and going to our exes houses lol

Answer #5

I was going to be bloody mary but my mom didn’t get the stuff i needed in time soo i’m going to be a devil hehe

Answer #6

im gonna be a witch

Answer #7

magician/ pirate/goth

Answer #8

I know it sounds weird, but I’m gonna be a twister mat! My friend gave me the idea.

Answer #9

me and me friend are gonna be a douch and dildow

Answer #10

I am gnna be a pirate argg

Answer #11

im gonna be a half angel half devil, my friends thought it matched my personality lol

Answer #12

im gunna be minnie mouse =]

Answer #13

im gonna be britney spears and my boyfriend is gonna be k fed and im gonna carry two baby dolls as my kids

Answer #14

im going to be minnie mouse =]

Answer #15

I got invited to the Google halloween party, so I’m going to be the binary fairy- complete with thinkgeek version 2.0 “You are dumb” tshirt.

Why do I have the feeling this will be lost on most people here?

Answer #16

me and my friend are going to michaels (craft store) and buying t-shirts and writing “FREE HUGS” on the front and on the back we’re writing the crank that soulja boy song. (:

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