What are the 1st and 2nd worlds?

I know what the 3rd world is but is there a 1st and 2nd world? If so what are they?

Answer #1

Mercury , Venus, Earth, Mars , Jupiter ,I forget, Uranus ,Neptune (: , Pluto

Answer #2

If you mean the third PLANET in our solar system - Earth - then 1st and 2nd are Mercury and Venus, respectively.

Answer #3

what is 3rd world?

Answer #4

african countries would be considered 3rd world.

Not all African countries.

Answer #5

@abiegracewhich: So only African countries are considered 3rd world? and that’s not even true because all African countries are not 3rd world countries.

Answer #6

You mean like third world countries? Yes, there’s first world countries (these would also be known as developed countries) and second world (aka as developing countries)

Answer #7

The correct term is “less developed country” OR LDC, it’s a United Nations designation for the status of an individual country.

“3rd world” OR third world country, as a designation, is considered to be a bigoted designation and isn’t the politically correct designation anymore :)

Some people still use it though, however, the most appropriate term is LDC, which refers to the political infrastructure, GDP and other factors of a given state.

Answer #8

Do you mean 1st world countries and what not? The united states would be considered THE 1st world country, same with europe or canada. mexico would be a 2nd world, because its a developing country. african countries would be considered 3rd world.

Answer #9


1st, 2nd, and 3rd world is a largely obsolete designation.

The nations considered 1st world were the nations allied with the US during the cold war.

2nd world nations were Soviet block and those allied with them.

3rd world nations were poor undeveloped nations that were dependent on 1st or 2nd world countries.

Often 3rd world countries were seen as the battleground for 1st and 2nd world countries. The US and USSR did not attack each other directly during the cold war but a number of proxy wars were conducted in the 3rd world with the US supporting one side and the Soviets supporting the other like Vietnam, Korea, and Latin America.

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