What are some nicknames for best girlfriends?

Need new nicknames for eachother! Old ones are boring! Time for a change!

Answer #1

Biotch, scruffy face, chest hairs, rauchy breath.

I don’t know.

Think of a funny thing that has happend to you while you were with each of your friends and nick-name them after that incident.


Say you had a friend named Sarah. You and Sarah were at the mall once and she tripped over something and it caused a scene. You can call her Trippy, Trips McGee, etc.

I know that was a terrible example, I’m sorry.


Answer #2

Snuky pups maybe ??

Answer #3

lipstick lesbian, ho, fatty, so on and so fourth…

Answer #4

we are best friends! not lesbians!

Answer #5

okay me and my friends call each other “baby Gurl” “lil missy” etc….it depends on what there name is too like all my friends mostly call me tay

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