What are some hilarious names people know?

My friends and I sometimes go for hours off and on saying and coming up with ridiculously random names. some sound somewhat realistic, others are really out there. if anything just for a goozer of a laugh, make one up. I’ll start…sherrin bozini, cornbuff raptorbane, chegnarfy maheezlehooter…

Answer #1

Yes those are actual names, to the inquisitor. I enjoy making them up as well, how about…Boon Coco, Codmire Badozelhaul, Rufus Scrapshire, Johannis Crispin, Dino Fettastacci, bawken bwadastacio…many many more

Answer #2

I know someone called mike hunt,say it fast and it sounds like your saying something else! lol

Answer #3

damn, OP, did you make those up or have you actually met people with those names? they gave me a real good laugh I’ve been needing. just wow

Answer #4

^yea ill say. mine will pale in comparison but I knew a kid a couple years younger named ron rompers. always got a kick out of that. oh yea, my counselor at this camp I used to go to was named Falcowitz Quackenbush, always felt like he had 2 last names

Answer #5

I actually used to be in a zz top tribute band and one of the guys who did the recording was named Gronker Stedaducci…no fake. his parents were apparently really into ludes and angel dust in the early 70s, pretty intense name if you ask me, wonder what school was like for that guy. speaking of school, I used to have a teacher named Fifer Bellazoochi

Answer #6

I work on a ferry where people check in their names for reservations for their cars. In my 6 years working there, I’ve come across: Miss Anita Furbush (say it fast) Mrs. Butts Mrs. Isabella Fuchs Mr Mule (he pronounced it Mu-lay haha) Mrs. Coochie Mr. and Mrs. Fine-Dick Mr. Horace Horton Mr. Weiner Mr. John Johnson and I work with a guy whose actual name is Francis Francin (he uses his middle name as a first though) and our boss calls him Franny Fran. Lol All of these names are real, that’s the best part!

Answer #7

wow those are some pretty wild names. I used to do tree-chipping and other forms of yard labor. probably the most ironic name I’ve ever heard was my bosses. this was for the tree cutting/chipping business. his name was Chip Timbers. not an alias or penname, real name. we used to bust his chops worse than getting zapped in the nads with a taser. finally one day he comes in with this legal document and apparently he changed his name…to Bruno Bambizziani, what a step up

Answer #8

I had a sub today named Ms.Coffen …SCARY hahaha

Answer #9

Some people find it hilarious that my uncle’s name is Phuc.

Answer #10

I knew a person named allforthegood! they called ger good for short!

Answer #11

oh wow lol pretty interesting school you have there

Answer #12

this is a REAL name its my brothers friends name . . … JUSTIN CASE . . . . .. lol =D

Answer #13

big buckin broncadorfius and abmund shayble-stot magnamoozi

Answer #14

don poogens, triton boopskatch, zarbonius wappaloochmire, izzie rodrigo, hickory duvall, blatoono trestazarsius, jignugget corkploop, yuffmund poonwimp, loquaggidy splinch-duster maharrietti, fonbar gufrickety

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