What are some good tips on nose piercingss?

Oky well im getting my nose pierced in a few weeks for 8th grd graduation, I’ve wanted since I was in 6th grade and I finally convinced my mom so I need some tips mostly for were on my nose to get it and stuff like that. I know im young, I know it might hurt, I know it will get infected, and ik how to clean it and how its a big responsibility. So no haten!

Answer #1

well I got mine done when I was 12 and it dident hurt at all. I got mine done on the right side it looks fine but I dosent rele matter what side you get it on it matters what kind of nose ring you put in it because if its a hoop the the left side defff!! but right a stud lol dont ask why:)

Answer #2

When you peirce it, ask the person to use a needle and NOT a gun…the gun stuns people and it hurts like a mother!

Answer #3

haaha yea ik that and it brakes your cartlidge in your nose

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