what are some good prenatal vitamins?

what are some good prenatal vitamins? I need them to grow my hair longer and how should I tell my mom to buy me some without her thinking im gonna have sex or something

Answer #1

Prenatal vitamins aren’t going to make your hair grow.

Answer #2

Helloo!! here is a little secrect some of us latin women use. Take any prenatal vitamin about five capsules. cruch them or allow them to disolve in a shampoo of your choice. Anytime your are going to wash your hair; take the shampoo with the prenatal vitamins in it and massage it in before you shower at laest 30 minutes ahead. Take a shower cap or plastic bag to cover your head so you can create heat and the nuturients seep in thru the pores on your scalp. Shampoo and rinse as usual. Do it 2 to 3 times a week. For those of you who dont know…trust me it works!!!

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