What are some good books to read?

What are some good books to read? I am 13 and I really like the Harry Potter series, but I can handle really intense stuff (I’ve read Da Vinci Code, Kite Runner, Secret Life of Bees, etc.) I am looking for a new good book to read! Any suggestions?

Answer #1

I LOVE READING I am 12 so were in the same age area so I hope you like them to im only giving you two because I know you will LOVE them

  1. Pendragon (this is awesome I know I know lame name for it but its not about dragons but its AWESOME the main charactar is about our age so you can relate)

  2. Twilight (you probaly heard of it but it is awesome the book is huge but it is totally worth reading)

Answer #2

Chronicles of narnia series are one of the most oldest and best books to read.Even Sidney Sheldon books are great to read.

Answer #3

umm… angels watching over me- the trilogy! a girls finger mysterioulsy breaks and she gets admitted into the hospital while her rents r honeymooing and she meets amish kid fall in love- the book is really good!!! *

ne jodi piccoult books- my sisters keeper i hear is good i read the tenth circle- 14 year old girl gets “raped” by her boyfriend however there is a suprise ending when the girls learns that the truth may hurt but not as much as the lie-

marked- a girl gets marked as a vampire; however, she witnesses a scandulous scene that gets the popular vampire angry att her mean while she is trying to understand her new change- *

gone w/ the wind- takes place civil war main character scarlett- well just read it its amazing! *

james paterson’s books- i’ve never read them but my bro is like in love w/ them

a northern light- amazing!

the clique- a book bout a loser who moves to a wealthy neighbor hood and tries to befriend the popular clique but when she is shot down she tries to get back- *- perfect when u need some drama!

Answer #4

hey there, these are some of my favorites. choose any of them! Chronicles of narnia-all the seven books! I think it’s simply awesome. And yeah chronicles of narnia- prince caspian is being made into a movie. I am really looking forward to it. Sending you the link. Hope you enjoy it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqzYukVDqy4

Answer #5

Eragon, and Eldest by Christopher Paolini

The Golden compus, The Subtle Knife, and The Amber Spyglass by Philip Pullman (they go in that order)

The sweep series ( I forgot who wrote them sorry)

Hope I was able to help

Answer #6

Go Ask Alice

and all of the Amelia Atwater Rhodes books. 1999 In the Forests of the Night 2000 Demon in My View 2001 Shattered Mirror 2002 Midnight Predator

Answer #7

Linda Fairsstein’s books are pretty good-like 9 in the series I am curretly reading Stephen King’s Cell Was just given first two of Maximum Ride series…my uncle read them…said they were good Phillip Margoin’s books are very good-Heartstone, Lost Lake, Wild Justica and Sleeping Beauty are my favs

Answer #8

THE HOUSE ON MANGO STREET it may be very short but all the content and how to wording is its very difficult once u understand whats going on its and amazing book(it happend to be dedicated to women) :)

Answer #9

Twilight by Stephanie Meyer New Moon by Stephanie Meyer Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer

Dead until Dark by Charlaine Harris (and the rest of that series, theres like 7 so, if I could remember every title I would list them all)

Be careful what you wish for - Alexandra Potter

Umm.. thats all I can think of.

Answer #10

mercy among the children best book ever but it is very big so if your not a big reader i don’t suggest it but other than that its the best book i have ever read.

Answer #11

If you like HP you’ll like these two: Wicked: The Lives and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West Son of a Witch

Some other books- The Electric Kool Aid Acid Test Celestine Prophecy

xox Sika

Answer #12

u said you liked harry potter so try THE DAUGHTERS OF THE MOON (its a series) by lynne ewing They are great-have like magic stuff in em I think theres like 12 or more of em.

heres some more: jake, reinvented
crank — by ellen hopkins house — Frank peretti and ted dekker The beat goes on — adele minchin caught in the act — peter moore the ruling class— francine pascal Spy High (series) — A.J. Butcher The Supernaturalists — Eoin Colfer Avalon High — Meg Cabot The Analyst — John Katzenbach

This is another series that is probably my fave: by scott westerfeld


if you want som more– I’ve got tons so let me know!

Answer #13

I love to read and i know lots of good books!

a wrinkle in time inkheart charlie bone (the whole series is good) ruby holler life as we knew it is SUCH an amazingly great book (its my favorit book EVER) ttyl(the whole series is good) Holes walk two moons bridge to teribithia touching spirit bear the chronicles of narnia the golden compass

These are all great books! I would love to have a discussion about any of these books if you read one of them!

Hoped this helped!

Answer #14

jane ejr- sharlotte bronte villete-s. bronte mansfild park-jane austen and the other books from the bronte sisters.

Answer #15

the Bible

Answer #16

“The Lovely Bones” by Alice SeBold.

The story of a rape victim.

Answer #17

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Teen Angst?… Naaah the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series The Lovely Bones Angela’s Ashes To Kill a Mockingbird Catcher in the Rye The Outsiders

Answer #18


Answer #19

depends on what your into.

Answer #20

I agree with funnyboneslove, everyone should read catcher in the rye. Apathy is pretty sweet as well.

Answer #21

ohhh I love naked mole rat letters…its a good book.

Answer #22

good earth Veronica decides to die

Answer #23

Pride and Predjudice by Jane Austen Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen To Kill a Mockingbird by ??? Travels With Charley by Jonh Stienbeck

Answer #24

Maximum Ride. there’s 3 out already. =] Pretty Little Liars series? Jade Green. Yea… =]

Answer #25

what are books? lol I don’t know I dont read

Answer #26

Catcher In The Rye. everyone should read it once in their lives.

Answer #27

well I dont read much but this book that I have read is preety interesting(sp)…it has over 10 series of books 4 it…cirque du freak.

its about vampires and such..preety good book..oh also it has a lot of twist in it as well

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