What are some good band names?

If you had a band what would you call it? Or if you do have a band, what’s it called?

Answer #1

My band is callin Monsters’ Revel See more www.urSession.com/MR

Answer #2

something cool and mysterious , I come bac when I think of somethin cool=D

Answer #3

I have no idea…probably something confusing probably…”them” that way everyone would say, “hey have you heard of them?” and the only reply thed ever get is “who?!!”

Answer #4

Chorus Killers

Answer #5

inconspicuous,<dont know how 2 spel it
hidden shadows snow cones! joke but since you live in alaska

Answer #6

my b/f has a band called Dark Static ..they are on myspace

Answer #7

mwuahahaha id have a punk pand and id call it standard rejection lolz

Answer #8

I live in alaska, everything is interesting dude

Answer #9

Ah, Alaska. That does explain it.

Answer #10


Answer #11

gangly moose

Answer #12

well, I am trying to start a band and it is called, Basking in Darkness…

Answer #13


Answer #14

I have a band and my band is called Psychodiq…(Psycodic with a q instead) but yeah I say go with your interests or make up a word

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