what are my chances of being pregnant?

I’ve recently started taking birth control pills, this is about my third week of taking them (im on tri-cyclen lo). I forgot to take my pill today and took it about 2 hours and 20 minutes later than usual. my boyfriend and I had unprotected sex yesterday, he finised in me. what are the chances that I could be pregnant?

Answer #1

Presumably you know that you have two different kinds of pills in your pack - 21 hormonal pills and 7 non-hormonal pills. If you missed a NON-hormonal pill there is no problem as they are basically sugar pills. Just toss the skipped NON-hormonal pill away and continue with the pack. Further If ever you are in the situation where you are going to “throw away your pack and start a new one”, do start a new one, but check to see if you can use the remaining pills as an alternate source of emergency contraception - in case you need it in the near future. Go to: http://ec.princeton.edu/questions/dose.html#dose Also in the US, anyone 17 and older, guy or gal can get Plan B (brand name of emergency contraception pill) at any pharmacy. And it is only 70-85% effective when used in the first 72-120 hours after intercourse - 85% if used the same day as the sex, and progressively worse odds as time goes by.

Answer #2

Your chances of being pregnant right now could be high. But there is a pill if you dont want to be pregnant. The day after pill. Its pretty much a birth control pill but everytime you ise it…it becomes less effective. It works only for three days after an accident. Its not an abortion pill bc its not killing anything that really even living yet. But it does stop the egg from fertilizing and you wont be pregnant. its 99% effective. You can get these anywhere. Hope I helped:)

Answer #3

You have about a 2-4 hour leeway when taking your pill. As long as you’ve been taking your pills as you should previously then you will be fine.

Furthermore here are some general rules when skipping pills.

Skip one: Take one as soon as you remember Skip two: Take two as soon as you remember and then use extra protection for the next 10-14 days Skip three: Throw away your pack and start a new one. And treat it like you’ve never been on the pill before.

Answer #4

you’re chances are dramatically increased when he cums in you. you’re just going to have to wait and see if you got pregnant from missing your pill. a tip is to take 2 pills, it has the effect of a Plan B pill. you should still use a condom, it will greatly decrease your chances of getting pregnant, and if not at least tell him to cum somewhere else instead of inside you. it’s not worth the risk

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