What am I supposed to do?

Okay me and my boyfriend just broke up. But I broke up with him because he didnt have enough time 4 me and I told him that I didnt want to be his first priority but I wanted to be more than sumthing that you only use when you get bored and now he keeps tellin me that he is really sorry and to give him another chance but I like another guy already and I dont know what to do!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Answer #1

Your ex lost you end of story. You can only make one first impression, sorry means he’ll try to change, not that he will, if you moved on this fast anyway this guy just isn’t meant for you.

Answer #2

I think you should go back with your ex. if he says hes sorry and will change then you should believe him because its just like the saying goes you dont know what you have untill you lose it. becasue if he didnt like you he wouldnt be beggin for you to give him another chance. trust me its happened to me before and it sucks so he probably misses you right now.

Answer #3

If you like someone else, you have practically moved on already. This boy couldn’t give you the time and attention you needed the first time and there is no reason to think things will be any different now.

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