What am I going to do

I have kissed a boy and my friend asked him if I was a good kisser and he said yes but I don’t know if he just said yes because he thought my friend would come back and tell meh. Now this boy wants to kiss meh and I don’t want to kiss him incase iam not a gd kisser do you think he was being srious or just saying that ?

Answer #1

Stop asking this question. You’ve asked it at least three times now.

Kissing isn’t a big deal and it isn’t hard. People have been kissing for thousands and thousands of years - it is practically programmed into you by now how to do it, which is why people say “just let it come naturally”.

Answer #2

She asked it 2 times. and just so you know that kissing picture isn’t sexy. the guy’s lips are too big.

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