What age did you first fell in love?

I firs fall in love whe I was 17.. he was my first and I really loved him, I still do but he broke my heart and ever since then I’ve never felt that way about anyone else!! we’ve been over for 2 years now and I keep hoping someday or somewhere I would see him again!!

• Will I ever fall I love again?

• What age did you first fell in love?

• Did they break your heart? What did they do?

• Are you still in love with them?

• Are you still with them?

Answer #1

• Will you ever fall in love again? (I changed this one so it makes more sense)

Yes, and I did fall in love again, I’m happier than ever.

• What age did you first fell in love?

I was 14-years-old

• Did they break your heart? What did they do?

Yes he did, by cheating on me.

• Are you still in love with them?

Not even a little bit.

• Are you still with them?

Nope, I’m with someone much better who treats me the way I deserve to be treated.

Answer #2

• Will I ever fall I love again? yes you will!!! it might not happen now but down the rode you will trust me! ;)

• What age did you first fell in love? 13 and I still am XD

• Did they break your heart? What did they do? he did break my heart once when he broke up with me the first timw because his band didnt like our age difference but then they saw how sad he was they told him to get back together with me

• Are you still in love with them? yes im madly in love with him!!!

• Are you still with them? yesh I am! I have been with him for a month now!

Answer #3

• Will I ever fall I love again? I don’t know.

• What age did you first fell in love? 13.

• Did they break your heart? What did they do? Nope.

• Are you still in love with them? Yes completely.

• Are you still with them? Yes almost 7 months but seems a lot longer

Answer #4

You will fall in love again cause love has the ability to strike more than once. I first fell in love when I was 20 and I’m 21 now. I’ve had girlfriends in the past but never really loved them. I am still in love with her even though she won’t speak to me right now. I don’t even know if we’re together or not cause she won’t talk to me. First she said its not working out and that I really won’t propose to her, then we were talking about rings she wanted. Then she said she wanted to sleep on it and I haven’t heard from her the past 2 days. its driving me crazy!

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