What after death?

What happens after death? Are there any heaven and hell?

Answer #1

yes there is Heaven and there is Hell

there is only 1 way to Heaven and that is through Christ Jesus you have to admit to God that you are a sinner believe that Jesus, God’s son, came to earth to die on a cross for your sins and confess your faith in Him and accept Him as your savior and Lord


Hebrews 11:1

Answer #2

im a christan im not a regular I dont go every sunday but yes I belive that there is a heaven because thats my religion but sometimes I belive that reincarnation is real but for real no one knows sometimes I disagree with my religion and find many errors because why are we listening to a book that was writen thousands of years ago!

Answer #3

Im christian and we believe that if you accept the lord as your savior you will go to heaven.If you don’t we think you go to hell.

Answer #4

captainassassin said: Now you’re cherry-picking? Okay, if you want to take that verse BY ITSELF, then that means ALL LIARS are going to Hell… which means that EVERYONE except the Dalai Lama, are doomed… including YOU.

Obviously by the verse below, if a liar repents and accepts the free gift of Salvation offered through Jesus before taking his last breath, his name will be recorded in the ‘Book of Life’ and will not be cast ‘into the Lake of Fire’, doomed for all eternity.

Rev 20:10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the >> lake of fire >> not found <<< written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

Bottom line: If you don’t get to know me, you’ve lost nothing…If you don’t get to know Jesus, you’ve lost Everything.

Answer #5

there is only 1 way to Heaven and that is through Christ Jesus


Answer #6

you boys have just illustrated a huge point for me. thanks…now I have less work to do.

the whole “can hitler be in heaven if he accepts jesus christ and asks to be forgiven” thing is a classic example of why just changing your heart is not good enough. you must change your heart (forgiveness…) and your deeds (NOT killing millions of jews) in order to be exalted.

just saying “I believe in jesus” or whatever is not enough.

also…you can’t take athieists and and theisists and put them against eachother. obviously if either side was committing crimes against humanity, they weren’t good people.

Answer #7

What happens after death? Are there any heaven and hell?

Nobody knows… since nobody’s been there…

Jesus said that if you do so much as look at someone with lust, you commit adultery in your heart.

He was talking about MARRIED people. Married MEN, actually. And he also encourages self-mutiliation, which is forbidden earlier in the bible. So was he being literal or figurative?

if God were to let people go into heaven, who have broken His laws, then He would be an unjust (corrupt) judge.

If you’re attempting to RATIONALIZE God and his laws, then technically he’s ALREADY an unjust judge, for punishing people INFINITELY, for their FINITE amount of sin.

He’s also unjust, for making his laws so vague, and contradictory, throughout his lawbook, mixed in with other laws that come and go in the book (based on personal or denominational interpretation). A book that he couldn’t seem to write himself, in the first place.

The name Lucifer translates into morning star. “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, that didst lay low the nations!”

Yeah, and Jesus calls HIMSELF the ‘morning star’ later in Revelation. Ooh my… how scandalous…

Answer #8

I have seen your responses relating to other questions being asked on the site and from what I can tell, there should not be many who should heed your advice.

Obviously you aren’t paying attention.

Are you telling me that there will be no justice for murderers or rapists? Half of all murderers and rapists are never caught by the police. Are you telling me that I’ll be in heaven with Adolf Hitler?

If they, as you said, ‘repent and placed their trust in Jesus’ …then according to YOUR religion, they should be there to greet you.

“that all liars will have their part in the Lake of Fire.”

Now you’re cherry-picking? Okay, if you want to take that verse BY ITSELF, then that means ALL LIARS are going to Hell… which means that EVERYONE except the Dalai Lama, are doomed… including YOU.

Of course, since there are numerous scriptures that will directly contradict that statement, its a misinterpretation… like I said before. Which is why you shouldn’t cherry-pick in the first place.

By the way… you didn’t respond to ANY of the topics I addressed. So if you CAN’T, then don’t invalidate your position further by rambling.

Answer #9

God gave each of us a conscience…”con” means “with”…and “science” means “knowledge”…so each time we sin, we do it with knowledge that it’s wrong. He also wrote his Laws upon our hearts…let me ask you a quick question…do you think that you’re a good person? Under men’s standards, each of us can think of ourselves as being “good”…however, we should be looking at what God requires instead. God gave us the Ten Commandments so that we could figure out how we measure up to His standards. 9th Commandment - Have you ever lied? If so, that makes you a liar. 8th Commandment - Have you ever stolen anything, regardless of its value? If so, you’re a thief. 3rd Commandment - Have you ever taken God’s name in vain? If so, you have taken the name of the God that gave you life and dragged it through the mud, and the Bible calls that blasphemy. Jesus said that if you do so much as look at someone with lust, you commit adultery in your heart. If a person is being honest, the majority would have to answer “yes” to all of the above. And if you did, you just admitted that God would see you as a lying, thieving, blaphemous, adulterer at heart…and this is only 4 of the 10 Commandments. Then you have to ask yourself the following two questions…would God find you innocent or guilty of breaking His laws? If you’re honest, you would have to say that you’re just as guilty as the rest of us…would He send you to heaven or hell? Most people here would say “heaven,” thinking that He would have to be a more forgiving God than this…think about what you’re saying here…if God were to let people go into heaven, who have broken His laws, then He would be an unjust (corrupt) judge. Now, let me ask you a final question…what did God do so that we would not have to go to hell?…Two thousand years ago, God became a man in Jesus Christ. He lived a perfect, SINLESS life (did not break any of God’s laws), died on the cross, and rose again on the 3rd day after His death. When Jesus was on that cross, He was taking the punishment for the sins of the WHOLE world, including myself. It’s like this…you and I broke God’s law, but Jesus paid our fine in His life’s blood. So, on the “day of judgement” God can dismiss our case because of what Jesus did. His righteousness can be imputed to us. The Bible says that you must do two things in order to receive this gift…you must REPENT (turn from your sins)…and put your complete TRUST in Jesus alone for your salvation. Once you do these two things, the Bible says that He will make you a new person. Jesus actually calls it “being born again”. He’ll give you a new heart with new desires. Those sinful things that you used to do…you’ll no longer want to do them. My only advice after this would be to get yourself a Bible and obey what you read…and also find yourself a good church. I know that this commentary was rather lengthy…but there’s nothing more important than YOUR ETERNAL SALVATION.

Answer #10

Boomer the sermon on the mound is one small story in the bible. There are tales of horrific and terrible things done by tour God. You can’t denie that.

And according to the bible you cling to so tightly. If adolf hitler repented in his last hour than yes he could be in heaven. Aging I think its you that misinterpreted it.

Answer #11

Nah, the Christians knew well of what they did. The misconception was Lucifer as the devil. Notice it only appears once in the bible. The name Lucifer translates into morning star. “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, that didst lay low the nations!” It’s obvious that Lucifer wasn’t being used as a name, rather a title for Nebuchadnezzar. It’s stating how this person once held so high in rank fell & suffered a crash landing so to speak. I do believe in reincarnation but I’m not so sure of an overall destination such as the Summerland, underworld, Nirvana, Heaven & Hell, etc. Really it all just depends on one’s view point.

Answer #12

There is no evidence of an afterlife or heaven or hell. I think death is final. So live life to the fullest everyday. Live laugh and love

Answer #13

You die and are reborn. During this process the person picks the family allegedly and goes to that one. The only thing is the black bull that bars there path on some of them. That means that you can’t go to them. During the process of being sent into the life realm, It wipes you’re memory of the previous lifes.

As for the heaven or hell notation: I believe that when you have learn’t you’re lessons you go to a place called the summer lands. Hell doesn’t exist. It is a mis-conception by the christian community to say that because the Pagans horned god is considered the devil.

Answer #14

thank you nlocnil. Boomer you need to learn before you speak up. you twist or ignore or make up facts about history to fit your view.

“”And as for jesterx’s comments….you need to brush up on your history. Adolf Hitler was a devout atheist, such as yourself. Here are some facts about Ahteistic Communist regimes…they have slaughtered over 100 million people. In China an incredible 72 million were murdered, in the Soviet Union 20 million, Cambodia 2.3 million, North Korea 2 million, Africa 1.7 million, Afghanistan 1.5 million, Vietnam 1 million, Eastern Europe 1 million, Latin America 150,000. However, the full implications of atheism won’t be seen until the Day of Judgment, when those who profess to be atheists and therefore ignore God’s mercy will lose their most precious possession, their very life.

It is because of the Christian principles that this nation was founded upon, that you’re able to share your views freely.”

Lets talk about the millions killed in the name of christanity. Those were Ahteistic Communist key word isn’t ahteist its communist

Answer #15

Life after death. God will come and take us home.

Answer #16

I go to church and all but I think that after you die you get reincornated wich mean born into a nother body

Answer #17

I believe in Heaven and Hell. But others have different beliefs.

Answer #18

60 million people in the US alone, believe there is.

Answer #19

“Nobody knows… since nobody’s been there…”

…how exactly do you know that?

Answer #20

well it really depends on your religion/culture.. I think theres a heaven and hell.

Answer #21

wow…that’s not right at all…

Answer #22

captainassassin…welcome to the conversation! I have seen your responses relating to other questions being asked on the site and from what I can tell, there should not be many who should heed your advice.

The Sermon on the Mount is known to many, including Christians, as a beautiful sermon, given by a great person. Actually, it was God bringing insight to His commandments. He was showing you and I that we could not possibly keep His laws because I, like you, are sinful to the core. For example, if someone were to place a computer chip in your head and record every thought you had for a week, and then display those thoughts on a screen to your family and friends, you would probably not show your face in public again…and you would probably have no friends afterwards. God will judge every thought, word, and deed…and if you have not repented and placed your trust in Jesus, you will be in trouble (torture) for all eternity. Many people try to rationalize by stating…why would God send someone to hell for lying? Let me explain it this way…if I were to lie to my children, there would be no consequences. If I were to lie to my wife, I would be sleeping on the couch. If I were to lie to our government, I would spend time in prison. Why? What changed?…It was the STANDARD of AUTHORITY. God is holy and He requires perfection. Man is sinful and cannot stand in the presence of a holy God. Are you telling me that there will be no justice for murderers or rapists? Half of all murderers and rapists are never caught by the police. Are you telling me that I’ll be in heaven with Adolf Hitler? As you can see, this makes no sense. God’s word (the Bible) says that judgement is for Him alone. He will divvy out justice. And if you do not have the righteousness of Christ, you will perish on Judgement Day. The Bible says that it is appointed for man once to die, and then the judgement. captainassassin, you stated that scripture can easily be misinterpreted, based on personal beliefs. Tell me if you can misinterpret where scripture states “that all liars will have their part in the Lake of Fire.”

Answer #23

What’s on the other side of death’s door?

  On the other side of death’s door is a state of awareness where we contemplate our life experiences. We decide where we have succeeded or failed in our intended goals of previous incarnations. We then decide when to incarnate again and under what conditions, probabilities and circumstances that incarnation will take place.

When all the necessary incarnations have taken place for us to attain our goals, we then gravitate back into the Oneness of God allowing for the fulfillment thereof.

   I can’t give my opinion without explaining that I am a Deist. That is a person who believes in a God that created the universe (maybe with the Big Bang), but then ceased to take any active part in the furtherance of the universe. Everything after the Big Bang is a result of evolution. That “Thing” that is God isn’t a Being but probably instead is some kind of Force.

That said, I believe in reincarnation. We chose to inhabit these bodies for whatever reason. Maybe to gain knowledge and experience. When our physical body dies our real soul, spirit, essence or whatever you want to call it, goes back to a state of awareness where it can reflect upon its accomplishments. If it decides it needs to accomplish more, then it reincarnates into another body. At the point where it decides that it has completed its goals, then it gravitates back into the Oneness of the God Force.

I choose

I chose to be born, – to live or die, Even the sex, that would be I; I chose the race, from which to appear, Also my wealth, my health and my fear.

I chose my trials and stumbling blocks, And the legs I would use, in all of those walks; I chose my sadness, my joy and my love, I chose to serve and not be above.

I chose this life – with all of its dues, And with each dawn, again I choose; The experiences for me that wait ahead, To be alive, or be claimed dead.

And of the future lives I’ve yet, It is my choice that I begat; All the things, however pleasin’, That shall befall me in those seasons.

From my chosen path I stray, Yet my God any’er turns away; For I have learned – and understand, That where God is – is where I am!

  Welcome to Fun Advice!

          i hope you do not take offense,         To that that’s gone before;         ’Tis only that it’s my two-cents,         And not one penny more. §;o)

Answer #24

captainassassin…good job, now you’re starting to understand the scripture stating, “all liars will have their part in the Lake of Fire.” All should be thrown into hell, including me. However, two thousand years ago, God became a man in Jesus Christ. He lived a perfect, SINLESS life (did not break any of God’s laws), died on the cross, and rose again on the 3rd day after His death. When Jesus was on that cross, He was taking the punishment for the sins of the WHOLE world, including myself. It’s like this…you and I broke God’s law, but Jesus paid our fine in His life’s blood. So, on the “day of judgement” God can dismiss our case because of what Jesus did. His righteousness can be imputed to us. The Bible says that you must do two things in order to receive this gift…you must REPENT (turn from your sins)…and put your complete TRUST in Jesus alone for your salvation. Once you do these two things, the Bible says that He will make you a new person. Jesus actually calls it “being born again”. He’ll give you a new heart with new desires. Those sinful things that you used to do…you’ll no longer want to do them.

And as for jesterx’s comments….you need to brush up on your history. Adolf Hitler was a devout atheist, such as yourself. Here are some facts about Ahteistic Communist regimes…they have slaughtered over 100 million people. In China an incredible 72 million were murdered, in the Soviet Union 20 million, Cambodia 2.3 million, North Korea 2 million, Africa 1.7 million, Afghanistan 1.5 million, Vietnam 1 million, Eastern Europe 1 million, Latin America 150,000. However, the full implications of atheism won’t be seen until the Day of Judgment, when those who profess to be atheists and therefore ignore God’s mercy will lose their most precious possession, their very life.

It is because of the Christian principles that this nation was founded upon, that you’re able to share your views freely. got to go make my rounds!

Answer #25

captainassassin…good job, now you’re starting to understand blah blah blah

I’m still waiting for you to make a VALID point; instead of patronizing and preaching your beliefs over and over. You failed to respond to all but ONE issue; a response that could’ve be provided in ONE sentence. But you decided to preach and entire paragraph. Does that make you feel important? Well it makes you LOOK ignorant. Make your point and shut up. You’re wasting webspace.

Adolf Hitler was a devout atheist, such as yourself.


Here are some facts about Ahteistic Communist regimes…they have slaughtered over 100 million people. In China an incredible 72 million were murdered, in the Soviet Union 20 million, Cambodia 2.3 million, North Korea 2 million, Africa 1.7 million, Afghanistan 1.5 million, Vietnam 1 million, Eastern Europe 1 million, Latin America 150,000.

Wow… do you think that’s a lot? Try comparing it to the number of deaths caused by theistic groups. YOU LOSE.

It is because of the Christian principles that this nation was founded upon…

WRONG. But thank you for PROVING your ignorance.

Obviously by the verse below, if a liar repents and accepts the free gift of Salvation offered through Jesus before taking his last breath, his name will be recorded in the ‘Book of Life’ and will not be cast ‘into the Lake of Fire’, doomed for all eternity.

OBVIOUSLY you aren’t paying attention. If you WERE paying attention, you would’ve noticed that boomer doesn’t agree with you on that topic.

OBVIOUSLY he quoted the verse BY ITSELF, and he asked me to interpret it BY ITSELF. Which is WHY you can NOT cherry pick verses from the Bible, when there are usually other verses that add to them or contradict them.

You obviously aren’t using the word ‘obviously’ properly.

Answer #26

boomer_1 Just be quiet. If you have no idea what you are talking about then you should just SHUT UP!

“And as for jesterx’s comments….you need to brush up on your history. Adolf Hitler was a devout atheist, such as yourself. Here are some facts about Ahteistic Communist regimes…they have slaughtered over 100 million people. In China an incredible 72 million were murdered, in the Soviet Union 20 million, Cambodia 2.3 million, North Korea 2 million, Africa 1.7 million, Afghanistan 1.5 million, Vietnam 1 million, Eastern Europe 1 million, Latin America 150,000. However, the full implications of atheism won’t be seen until the Day of Judgment, when those who profess to be atheists and therefore ignore God’s mercy will lose their most precious possession, their very life.

It is because of the Christian principles that this nation was founded upon, that you’re able to share your views freely. got to go make my rounds!”

Load of sh*t! Brush up on YOU’RE history! All I have to say Is WOW! Learn some other stuff before bashing Anthests. There where Millions killed in the name of Christianity. Millions and all because they are not of the faith.

Answer #27

look at the pyramids of giza, the fibonnaci sequence and the mathematical equation Pi do the math come back then tell me death is final

Answer #28

king solomon-“the dead know nothing”

Answer #29

when the six thousand year cycle of the solar system ends we start again and will do so until humans become pure light “the SMOKE of your TORMENT ascendeth up for ever and ever

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