welfare and drug tests. please read

why do everyday people have to take drug test to get a job but people who get welfare or money from the gov. dont have to?? we spent our hard earned money to give to the gov who give to people that usually dont want a job and just try and get welfare. I know most people arent like that but I have seen some people who use that money for drugs. I really think people who want welfare have to get drug tested first. if they fail… no money… no house. who thinks I’m right???

Answer #1

I’ve never had a job that required drug tests. I haven’t taken any recreational drugs in nearly 30 years but I consider drug tests to be an extreme invasion of my privacy. If I do my job well what is it to my employer if I enjoy recreational drugs on my own time? What if I take a prescription drug that causes a false positive; after testing positive I have to clear my name by disclosing to my employer my legitimate medications and my conditions.

My employers can’t break down my doors and search my home, why should they be able to search my body fluids? Employees should not have to give up their rights to privacy in order to get a job.

Neither employees nor people on public assistance should have to endure the indignantly if drug screening.

Answer #2

Phrannie - I volunteer at an inner city free health clinic. The majority of the people we see are on welfare and trying to attain a better life for their family. They want a roof over their head and food in their stomach. Most are single mothers doing the best they can. I also ran a gang outreach program for years. Almost all of the families involved were on welfare. I can’t remember one parent that was strung out on drugs. I go every other weekend and volunteer with a group to fix houses in low-economic neighborhoods. Yes, there are drug addicts but they are NOT in the majority by any means. I am glad that the welfare system was in place when you needed it. I stand with my original answer…just because you are poor and need help does not mean that you should be given a drug test or be thought of as a worthless addict. I also do not read liberal blogs just like I don’t read conservative blogs. Both are a turn off.

Answer #3

I am a partner, not the sole owner. And we do not drug test. Of all of my friends and family, I know of only 2 that are drug tested for work. I was once tested for a job, back in the early 90s. My point was it is not done nearly as much as you implied. It is being done less and less because the cost adds up and they not very effective.

I am glad you were able to get yourself back on your feet. I am sure that is the desire for the overwhelming number of welfare recipients. And I do not read liberal blogs.

I don’t think it is inhumane, I just think it is totally ineffective, and is a waste of time and money. Tell me, what is gained by denying someone benefits because he has marijuana show up in his system?

I don’t need to be enlightened. And should I not feel for people who are down and out?. I think you might have lost some objectivity with your experience.

Answer #4

I thought you owned your own business jimahl? So you would be the one to decide, if there was a drug screen or not…right?

There’s no denying that there are people who need the help, maybe 60%…maybe…But my experience (and that was being part of the welfare community, LIVING the life…not just reading statistics, or liberal blogs)…but BEING THERE…

What’s so inhumane about saying…”Sign here…and piss here?” I’d do it if I needed welfare…and I wouldn’t feel picked on or treated unkindly…

A couple of ya here should take a year off, and hit the streets…get a feel for some of these people you think you know so much about. Be a part of them so they don’t see you as a snoopy suit…and get enlightened.


Answer #5

Where I work, NOBODY has to be drug screened. My point was that one is an employer doing it as a requirement for employment, and the other is the government doing it.

Phrannie, I know you sympathize with the libertarian view of things, and seem to think that those recieving benefits are all lazy cheats, but that is not true. Is there abuse and is reform needed? Absolutely. But the overwhelming number of people are not on welfare by choice. They really need the help.

I happen to think drug screens are a waste anyway. One can be a fall down drunk, just as long as you don’t smoke a doobie once in a while. And most of the truly hard drugs, like cocaine and heroine, are out of your system within 48 hours. Marijuana can be detected for a month. So the most dangerous drugs are the easiest to get away with.

Answer #6

why do everyday people have to take drug test to get a job but people who get welfare or money from the gov. dont have to??

‘everyday people’ do not ‘have’ to take drug tests. Only those who want to work at jobs that require them. It is their choice, they do not ‘have’ to take that job. And what do you think would be gained by drug testing people who recieve social service benefits?

we spent our hard earned money to give to the gov who give to people that usually dont want a job and just try and get welfare.

And how do you know that these people ‘ususal don’t want a job’? Where are you getting this information? Or is this just an assumption?

I know most people arent like that but I have seen some people who use that money for drugs. I really think people who want welfare have to get drug tested first. if they fail… no money… no house. who thinks I’m right???

So instead of helping those with drug problems, you would rather make their lives worse by making them destitute and homeless as well. Sounds like a great plan!!!

Answer #7

@ baseball9977 I agree but some drugs can have an effect on you for days… like effects on your motor functions or reaction time..

Answer #8

wrong, wrong, wrong, They shouldn’t even be able to test you at work. You mean what I did on the weekend can get me fired on monday… That is wrong…

Answer #9

I have a sneaking feeling if the government decided to start drug testing welfare recipients, especially during the current administration, everyone promoting it here would be complaining about how much the testing costs and about the government wasting our money.

To assume that the majority of welfare recipients are using drugs is an absurd conclusion based on nothing but elitist ideas. Why not reinstate the debtor’s prisons and lock them all up? After all they are just lazy, drug addicted, worthless lumpenproletariats.

Where is your humanity, your kindness? I hope you are never in the position of needing welfare but if you are, I hope those around you do not have your attitude and label you a worthless piece of trash that is lazy and wanting a handout to buy drugs.

Answer #10

Where I work…EVERYBODY has to be drug screened to get a job…and EVERYBODY is subject to random screening…from linemen to clerical workers…

I’ve wondered the same thing…If I’m required to be screened to get the job to hand over in the way of taxes…why don’t they drug screen those who receive said taxes?? If they do NOT want to receive that money, then they wouldn’t be required to take the money…

And how do you know that these people ‘ususal don’t want a job’?

There’s a big difference between “wanting a job”, and actually “looking” for a job…if they do happen to be looking for a job…then the drug screen is already done…two birds, one stone.


Answer #11

ok the justice system isnt fair… but I do agree with the drug test for jobs…

Answer #12

I totally agree 100%

Answer #13

I totally agree,, everyone on welfare should get tested for drugs,, and maybe that way half of them can depend in us hardworking people, how they been doing all their lifes..

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