Is it weird that I have no ambition, no interest, no hobbies?

I could like anything I hate and I could hate anything I like.

Answer #1

Slightly odd but maybe you just haven’t found your hobby, ambition etc yet.

Answer #2

kind of but i m not that keen on anything.. i m just relaxed you know…

Answer #3

nope not odd.. you are just like me i guess… i have no plans for the picture, but i was told i should give myself time and that i may think of something, seriously i just dont know what i want or what i should expect from life. but am a happy girl and i love my life.

Answer #4

But I’ve been really looking around. D: Its like i could go do something with others and loving it and yet I don’t. It’s very depressing

Answer #5

At least your happy :) I’m happy either sad. I don’t know…

Answer #6

I wouldn’t say weird, but if you have only recently noticed these facets of your personality, they could indicate a degree of clinical depression / stress. . You would not necessarily be consciously aware of the depression or stress, particularly if it has been present for a considerable period of time and you believe that you have been coping with it. Maybe it has just been slowly grinding you down until you have little natural enthusiasm left in you. . If you have been suffering problems such as lack of employment, low income / poor finances, bereavement, breakdown of relationship, very high pressure at work or school, etc, it might be worth discussing your circumstances and attitudes to life in general with a Doctor. . Such circumstances can sometimes lead quite abruptly to mental health issues after a period of lethargy such as you describe. .

– Best wishes - Majikthise. .

Answer #7

I didn’t notice this recently. I’ve been like this since I was a kid. :(

Answer #8

Then It is not weird and it is not much of a problem. It is simply a feature of your laid-back personality. I say not MUCH of a problem, because a lack of ambition can potentially lead to a life-time of work in a low paid unrewarding job or even prolonged unemployment; and a lack of interests / hobbies can make one seem to be rather boring and not much fun to be with. No offence intended.

Answer #9

for takes time to realise it!! its not weird at all!!

Answer #10

There is a mood disorder called dysthymia. Dysthymia is a chronic depression that is less intense than major depression but longer in duration. Dysthymics often become emotionally numb. They get little joy out of life so they aren’t really bothered by anything bad that happens to them either since they feel like they have so little to loose. Many dysthymics suffer for years because they never become depressed enough to be a danger to themselves or others and being able to go through the motions of life appear OK to everyone else. I’m not a psychiatrist but to me your symptoms point to dysthymia. In any case, it would be good for you to talk to someone about your feelings.

Answer #11

you have….maybe your situations are a lil pathetic that’s y u feel all that….

Answer #12

Its not exactly weird but some people are just that way while others have gone through some sort of trauma that could lead to that. Think on it, has something happened that has made you lose hope for the future? Has something happened that discouraged your ambitions? If so you got to get to the root of the problem and fix that. Perhaps you just have a verynon caring. Personality.

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