Replacement for weights?

I don’t have acess to any weights what can I use instead? Any suggetions?

Answer #1

Full gallons of paint work well!

Answer #2

For starters, use things around the house for cardio and ab workouts, like tables, chairs. then do push ups, a lot of times using your own body weight is more than efficient for working out. If you have rope and a sturdy stick… tie a rock of some weight to the end of the rope, tie the other end to the stick hold it out in front of you and twist the rock all the way up and back down repeatedly. That works forearms and external bi’s. You want to do shoulders, put your back against the wall, and do vertical push ups. or take two objects with weight that you can hold lay on your back with your arms fully extended, and do flies… just gotta be creative man. any strain on your muscles will produce results it just may take longer…

Answer #3

Anything heavy enough to make it harder and harder to pick up each time. You want something that puts a good strain on your arms. Otherwise, It wont build muscle.

Use something like, paperweights or something! :)

Answer #4

You’d be amazed what you can do with just your own body weight if you’re resourceful.

Push ups Raise yourself on your elbows and lift one arm out at a time. Sit ups. Squats, Holding your arms out to the side and forward. Muscle against muscle tension for arms, legs, and chest. A tree branch (or local playground) for pull ups and mid body (lift your legs off the ground forward and hold them there).

…there are tons of online resources for strength execises you can do like this.

Answer #5

gallons of milk or oj.

Answer #6

you and use watermelons. it works or pick up

Answer #7

Anything you can find around the house that has some good weight to it.

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