How can I lose weight fast at 14?

I am 14 years old and I am 136 pounds. But all my friends are 115 or 120 and i want to lose fat off my buns and thighs and most importantly my stomach. How do i do it in a small amount of time?

Answer #1

Go to a pro Anna site it worked for me.

Answer #2

‘If u go anna u will not regret it trust me.’

‘Go to a pro Anna site it worked for me.’


Answer #3

Fast weight loss is unhealthy and any weight loss will be only water weight which will come back on real fast. Motivate yourself to workout 20-30 minutes a day and choose a day of rest. Watch what you eat, no candy, no soda, no junk food, don’t skip breakfast and cut your normal portions in half. The pounds will peel off I promise.

Answer #4

You have to have smaller meal portions (you should only have a piece of protein (meat) as big & thick as your palm per meal) and eat every 3 or so hrs. you should have 5 or 6 small HEALTHY meals per day. Make sure you have breakfast to kick start your metabolism so if burns all day. You need to exercise at least 30 min every day. Make sure you drink AT LEAST 2 LITERS of WATER per day, it really makes a difference and it will clear up your skin to.

A good way to make yourself feel good is to measure yourself like your legs tummy arms etc and keep a log book of each measurement, you might no loose a lot on the scales but your mostly likely to put on muscle which weighs more than fat which gives you the impression that you aren’t loosing much weight, but if you see that your loosing cm’s it’ll you’ll feel much better about yourself and you’ll stick with your diet plan.

Answer #5

Hi, What you actually want is to loose inches. Forget about focusing on your weight. If you exercise, drink at least 64 oz. of water each day and ONLY eat healthy I think you will be surprised how quickly your 14 year old body will get in shape. To trim down specific areas Google exercises and you will find what you want. As far as food, again, Google healthy diet and you will get alot of good ideas. Eat at least 6 small meals a day. This is so you do not get hungry and grab anything in sight to satisfy you. Also what I find helpful is to actually get a really good night sleep, at least 8 hours or more. You will not only feel well rested, have good energy and you will have less time to be tempted to snack . If you have any health issues or health questions definitely talk with your doctor. GOOD LUCK : )

Answer #6

If u go anna u will not regret it trust me.

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