Weight, I need more of it

how can I gain wait is seems like its impossible for me I have seriously been trying I used to eat stakes and all that stuff that didnt work and then I tried junk food tat doewsnt work eithe rit is like impossible please help I am 14 6’3 and only weigh 140 …

Answer #1

Drink Slim Fast WITH your big meals and stuff like Ensure in between. Also eat lots of small/medium meals with proteins and drink protein powders after working out-especially with weights. Vitamin water has a lot of calories. Also, give yourself time—sometimes it takes boys/men until their mid 20s to fill out.

Answer #2

Wow you are super skinny lol. Well first things first, once you start putting on weight you are going to destroy your bones really quick so you will need coral calcium supplements. Also I would start taking muscle building supplements and making sure they include fats and carbs into it. Do not do cardio and just muscle build. But if your parents or yourself have some cash then I would buy GNC out of supplies of creatine and whey protein and it will put some weight on you pretty quick.

Answer #3

start weight training. it builds up muscle and makes you bulkier:D

Answer #4

There are weight gainer drinks and products at GNC,{Nutritional Stores} Hope that helps.

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