What are good exercises to lose weight?

Ok So I Have A Week Off School And I want to Loose Weight…

Whats The Best Way To Loose The Weight In And How Much Will Yuu Loose If Yuu Weigh 7 stone 9 pounds?

Any Good Exercises ?

Thanks x

Answer #1

This is called ‘The Master Cleanser Diet” I did it once and lost quite a bit of weight in a very quick amount of time. I would suggest that you do not do this diet for more than three to five days.

Take a gallon of water, squeeze fresh lemons like you are going to make lemonade. Add pure maple syrup to taste. Then add red cayenne pepper; just a pinch.

The water flushes the system. The lemons gives your body vitamins that it will need. The syrup also gives you minerals and is just plain good and tasty. And the red cayenne pepper is a roughage that works like a scrub brush to clean the poison, toxins, and other useless junk out of your body.

Don’t eat one single bite of food, because the lemons, pure maple syrup will provide all that you’ll need for a short time.

If you beyond five days you begin to deplete your system and you can have serious health issues.

Let is all know how this works, and if you gave it a try. :o)

Answer #2

GO TO THE GYM WITH A BFF. thats what I do. twice a wk. me and my girls hit the gym! It really doesnt seem like work! We have so much fun.. You also get to see all the hot guys that are there! and usually there are A LOT!!

Answer #3

if you weigh 7 stone and 9 pounds you dont need 2 lose any more w8

Answer #4

well eat 6 small healthy meals a day, do 30 min cardio. doing situps isnt really going to lose you that much weight…

Answer #5

I Just want to Loose A Few Pounds And I’ve Started Doing Situps But Is There Any Thing Else That I Could Do To Loose Weight?

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