Make your own webshow spoof?

my friend and I are going to make a webshow and make a site for it and put it on youtube, but we cant think of anything funny to talk about and stuff. what do you think would be cool?

Answer #1

Be real - the best approach is probably ranting about your pet peeves in a funny way, put on a skit of a person you saw in the street that made you laugh till you cried, Don’t be offensive, atleast not right off the start, because a lot of people will automatically put your art work at a D- , Maybe make a spoof of a funny movie, But the main thing is be yourself, don’t get all stressed because the camera is there and try to act stupid-funny, just be normal - funny. Unless ofcourse your making a joke about people who get extreamly nervous infront of the camera, etheir way you’ll do fine, youtube is such a huge community theres going to be atleast 1 person who likes what your doing, and if your dedicated and truely up to doing this, 1 person should be morally gratifying (sp)

Anyways, don’t get to worked up about critics - there’s a lot of them on youtube that will sit behind a keyboard and smash your work, always remember “Whatever you do 2 people will think its acceptable and 3 people will critize you for it.” Someone’s always gonna play the devil’s advocate and try to put you down - don’t listen, take some constructive critism and keep on going. im sure you’ll do great :)

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