wavy hair?

my hair is naturally wavy but I have to scrunch it with jell and use hairspray and stuff the make it look better and not straight in some places, curly in another, then somewhat wavy…and I try to make it not stick out … but how do I make that happen without using a lot of hair products? and wats an easier way to do it?

Answer #1

Hey Girl I used to do the same thing when I was young, but I started to notice all those chemicals were frying my hair and it wasn’t good for me. So what I did instead is after am done showering I brush my hair(still wet) and after I get a good conditioner to make your hair healthier, after I get a mousse and just spread it mainly on the roots of the hair and all over, once am done with that I blow dry my hair and just use a small ounce of hairspray, And Bam! you got soft curls with not too much chemicals that could ruin your hair.

Good Luck! -Makeup Guru

p.s If you need more advice send me a message.

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