What's your favorite thing to do?

watta ya like to do??? I like to go swimming and I looove to dance and play volleyball!!! How bout u!!! Wats your top 3??

Answer #1
  1. listening 2 my mp3-it’s my best friend! 2.laughing- every1 knows me as the girl who laughs at everything says: pudding…laughs(lol) 3.swimming
  2. flirting with boys
  3. hanging out
  4. dancing- I found out recently that I’m a dancing fool, lol
  5. writing stories and poems - love poems, lol
  6. hanging out with my peeps!
  7. being with my family
  8. being around animals
  9. READING!- mystery and ROMANCE
  10. being on funadvice
  11. using my computer
  12. making money- lol
  13. partying- party over hea!
  14. eating
  15. cooking
  16. watching tv
  17. playing DDR(dance Dance Revolution)- kinda old, but it’s awesome
  18. talking about and being around my crush who I love 2 death!
  19. being silly- all throughout my 8th grade year (last year, I mean before school let out), me and my best friend skipped down the hallways like maniacs
Answer #2

well I love to…

  1. listen to the jonas brothers… 2.hang out with my friends while parting to the jonas brothers… 3.write stories…while listening to the jonas brothers!!!
Answer #3

I love playing guitar I love skatboarding and finally listening to music

not sure if it’s in that order but those are my top 3

Answer #4

#1: Be with my boyfriend #2: Listen to music #3: Write Music

Answer #5

Always Bible Singing(always) Dancing(Always)

Answer #6

1. Tell people about the living GOD.

2. Collect hot wheels

3. Be on Funadvice

Answer #7
  • being with my hunny
  • watching a movie
  • listening and singing to music :P
Answer #8
  1. swim
  2. listen to music
  3. be with friends and family.
Answer #9

1.swim 2.draw 3.uhhh leave it to u =D

Answer #10
  1. music (listening)
  2. writing
  3. hanging out with friends at the movies or the mall
Answer #11

Kewl!!! I love to listen to music to:) I bring my iPod ERY where!!

Answer #12

hmmm thats hard

  1. running, jumping, hiking, climbing, swimming (basically being active and I cant have just 1 number one)
  2. Playing my guitar, listening to music
  3. being with my friends laughing, crying, loving, hanging with my monkeys
Answer #13

I love to be on FunAdvice! I love to mow the yard. And I love to sit on the couch and watch movies with the windows open :)

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