Wats rong with the baby?

Im almost 2 months pregnant and I can feel the baby moving in my stoamch already… Is it supost to do that?? Should I be worried?

Answer #1

I read your other post…obviously you passed up a lot of good advice…you are crazy, irresponsible, selfish, and going to regret this. I feel sorry for your baby already…but good luck, you sure will need it!!

Answer #2

lol no dont worry its better if it moves by the 2nd month, but good luck your only 14 im 15 and I am still a virgin, im takin my time lots of guys have asked me 2 give it 2 them but I said no b/c I want 2 give it 2 someone worth it

Answer #3

Many women feel “flutters” in the first trimester…while it’s unlikely that what you feel is the baby moving, it’s not impossible, but more than likely what you’re feeling is gas.

Answer #4

Wow, pregnant at 14?

What’s next, being an exotic dancer?

Answer #5

so your 14 and pregnant yet your previous comment was a month ago about you want to get pregnant

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