what you think.???

do you think its like bad to be gay bi or lez.??? just want your opinions

Answer #1

I guess if you believe in the ‘man made’ God (aka. religion) it teaches that all these things are morally wrong. However, if you realize these dogmas were created centuries… millenia! ago, and subsequently manipulated by statesmen and the clergy for the purpose of holding power over the masses, you will know that sexual urges are neither right or wrong… they just are.

I have family and friends who are gay and lesbian. I myself have had encounters with mixed groups and couples in the past. I guess that makes me bi. This makes me feel I am no more a sinner than the puritanical, close-minded, and judgemental people who say it’s wrong. In most cases I get the feeling they have gay thoughts too and suppress them so they can maintain their ‘straightness’ and put down those who are honest with themselves and others.

Answer #2

no I dont. they cant help what they are.they are all human beings created by god. is it up to us to say if being gay etc is bad? those people dont condem people for being straight. toni

Answer #3

no its awsome I know a lot of people who are gay lesbian or bi and their really good friends :)

Answer #4

nahh I love gay people!! haha theyre so funny. dont get me wrong I aint gay im straight as fu*k :)

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