what to do to get hm back??

I have been with a guy for the last 3 years…recently we have told our parents and they have agreed to our marriage. while the date s already fixed, nw he has started finding faults in me.he says I am nt goodlooking and not suitable for hm. we have also been physical many times and once I had to go for an abortion also.I love hm very much and dont want to loose him bt 3 years back I don’t know what happend, I got drunk and a guy friend of mine tried to get physical.now my boyfriend saw me like that. I ve tried abillion ant trillion time to explain bt in vain.he s gone out of town for work bt we talk over the phone regularly. nw I truely love hm and cn go to any extent to get hm back and make hm happy..sometimes his behavior is like, he loves me somuch, and sometimes he s like, he cant stand me.he also gets very abusive. what can I do???please help… someone???doe s he still love s me??

Answer #1

if he gets abusive, get yourself out while you can. no woman or girl deserves for a man to tell her shes not good looking and not good enough for him. please get yourself out now before you get hurt even more.

Answer #2

hes abusive that says enogh get away from that jackass when my current girlfriend used my cuosin he was abusive…hes 13 shes 12 and im 14 anyway I beet the sh*t outta him for it and she dumped him…u should stay away from this dude or nock sum sence into him with a bat but you should just stay away…with my cousin he got misserable when my now girlfriend came to me when she left him so what abusive gets people nowhere unless the abuser wants to be hated…my point is its dangerous to try and be abused the rest of your life and be happy…u just cant so dont try…remember hospitals cost $$$ and you dont wanna spend a lot of time…im a guy and I was abused by my father and I wasted no time reporting it to the police thx to that man I have a 20inch scar on my back (he wipped me 1 time and laughed his head off to watch me in pain) report the guy you were with…hope I helped follow your heart make the safest and right decision.

chaos is power, pyrofire666

Answer #3

p.s. would you rather have a happy life with someone else happy and safe or a danferous and possably deadly life with sum dream @ss abusive sh*t head think about my words dont just blow them off blow him off you have a whole life ahead of you and dont have sex if your not married GOD’S law ok?

hope I helped…again, pyrofire666

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