What stile fits my personality?

Hi, my name is ludwine,I am tall and thin, have long,curly dark blond hair, aqua blue eyes and I live in capetown south-africa.I am friendly,athletic,caring, can be a b*# sometimes and clueless when it comes too fashion.what stile do you think fits my personallity?

Answer #1

your personality is WAY different from your appearance sweetie. Trust me been there don’t that with the style things I’ve tried to find “my style”. FAILED EVERY TIME. your style is your own personal tag, what you like is YOU not what others like DON’T BE AFRAID to wear things you like scared that other may not like it. your style is your personality and nothing more then what YOU like

Answer #2

what do you you think about a silk shirt or nice silky blouse, with an open blazer, and pants that come more narrow around the knee, sort of bell/bottomish. I was thinking of dressey/casual material. Shade, would depend on your complexion too. I am thinking of a lavender or in that shade of lavender, lavender/purple, but not too dark! With a very silky lighter pink or cream colored blouse or shirt. I also have a bronze colored blazer in my minds eye too! I would think for your shoes, I would go sexy, with some heel if you can wear them. A dark purple or lavender blazer, and bell bottomed pants to match, solid shade, would look very nice I think. I would also wear a good bra too. This is just an idea, but it is not easy, as I have never seen your photo. Good luck, though!

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