what should I weigh?

im 13 years old, I am about 5”8 or 5”9, and I weigh 155 pounds is that normal?? what can I do to lose weight fast!! I play basketball 6 nights a week for 13 hours!!

Answer #1

Your BMI is at 23.2, and for your age that is normal.. dont worry about it… =)

Answer #2

You will be fine I am the same age and only weigh a little less and if you play sports and are healthy and active you don’t need to change anything

Answer #3

you weigh to much to just be a 13 year old you should at least be 102 pounds im11 and I weigh 85 and do you hear me talking about it gone and shine girl sorry that over weigh part my dumb brother put that we are twins

Answer #4

You are fine for your height. Girl, you just can’t be skin and bones in basketball, you need to stay healthy like you are now! =D

Answer #5

155 pounds is good 4 your height.

Answer #6

It is very much normal and you have absolutely nothing to worry about… and the fact you exercise as much as you do … suggests a very good muscle build…muscle weighs a lot more than fat …so likely there is not much fat on you that you could lose…so you could end up dieting and the only thing you would really lose is energy and become too tired to play basketball. You body has probably already started changing to that of a woman’s .. eg wider hips…so that accounts for some of the weight as well

In a lot of ways I was like you when I was younger .. the difference was my sport was swimming… every so often just because of my body weight which seem higher than everyone else’s I would try dieting and would lose only a couple pounds but when I stopped my body thought it had been starved so my metabolism would reset to try and store fat for another starvation .. so I ended up gaining more weight even though I went back to eating the normal amount and it would take months for my metabolism to reset itself back to normal again, if I did too many diets close together I would end up really packing on the pounds after I stopped dieting.. So I learned the hard way that the key was “do not diet” just continue to eat normally and maintain the exercise levels to keep my weight in line.. And it worked pretty well for me because at 48 years old I weighed the same as I did at 18

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