what should I do??

what should I do if all of my friends are taller than me???

Answer #1

How tall you are has nothing to do with how successful or the type of person you grow to be - one your loved ones will be very proud of…Take care !!

Answer #2

Nothing wrong with being short, everyone is different, be happy with what you look like,blahblahblah ect. :)

Answer #3

I’d be happy if I were you :) I’m 5 foot 3 and would like to be even shorter.

Answer #4

nothing.. be ahppy the way you are. besides guys like short chicks… not massive ones

Answer #5

I am shorther than all my friends!!! one of my friends is over 6ft and shes a girl!!!lol be happy for who u r!! I feel special cus im the shortest in my group of friends plus you get outof doin things cus you can say I cant reach!!!lol

Answer #6

Ok, truth is… Tall guys like short girls short guys like short girls…good enough? ok if that doesnt matter to you then..think of it as this.. you can wear heels and look sexy, very tall people look like palm trees, so they are better off with flats.

Be happy with who you are because if you are, that is more than attractive

Answer #7

Well if YOU want to get taller, try drinking milk! And even if you dont you’ll eventually still grow don’t worry. I am shorter than all my friends too! But I’m like the lil person of the group. It makes me feel special lol=D

Answer #8

Don’t worry about it! Now you can use them to reach all the stuff you can’t :P I’m turning 17 soon and I’m only about 5`4! I love being short though XD

Answer #9

Be happy - short girls are cute. I’m 19 and 5”3 and I love my size. You should really enjoy it, most guys prefer girls on the shorter side. :)

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