supposedly I am overweight…im supposed to weigh about 170 or a little less and im 180 im 5’10 the thing is how do I lose a bit of weight…of course the healthy way….I mean I eat toast for breakfast a salad for lunch and a homecooked meal for dinner….I eat plenty of fruits and vegatables…..I even exersise I run about 2 miles a day which is all I am supposed to do because of my athsma but why am I not losing anything??I mean not even a pound

Answer #1

Eat breakfast like a king , lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper. Have a good hearty breakfast, eat your salad for lunch and down-size your dinner portion by as much as you can and dont eat it too late! Its not how far you run but how long you run that matters. you could also do step aerobics which I consider to be a great calorie burner and low impact, you could do it at home too just get a sturdy platform and go up and down to some up beat music. Drink lots of water too as this is important. Last but not least..be persistent and patient the weight will come off. All the best!

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