what should I do

look me and my boyfriend want a baby and I dont no what to do because I want to have a baby wit him bt my mom said that she would put me in foster care bt I told hiom and he said if you dont want one right now den you dont have to im not makin you have one and I said I no you not bt I want one bt im scared and I thought that if I do have a baby I wont tell my mom till im like 3 months pregnant bt im 13 im turning 14 in october bt he is 14 and he has a job and he is finding another one too and he said that he will support me and everthing

Answer #1

I really wouldn’t have one yet. I am 13 and I do not want a baby yet as I have so much of my life ahead of me and so much freedom, you can’t have all of that if you have a baby; you would spend most of your time looking after a baby and it would be hard for you to handle. Most young mums don’t know what to do with babies and get fed up of them aftera while, they just want their lives back. I do want a baby when I am a lot older, I don’t want one yet, maybe when I am @ least 20. young mums and/or babies can die when the mother gives birth. It could put your life and the babies in danger if you plan on having one. Maybe when your 16 @ least, it would be a sensible idea. Plus at school (if you still go)you could get very much teased by other kids and they could call you horrible names; if you don’t go to school then that is possibly worse becuase you are missing or would be missing out on education so it would be hard to get jobs. What happens if you were to have a baby and your boyfriend ditched you!? you would be a young single mum with still so much of her life ahead of her and you wouldnt be able to hang out much with your mates or do anything teenag-y, you would be stuck looking after a baby and I personally think that is wasting your youth, enjoy it before you have a baby and don’t rush into things. Also, just make sure your boyfriend will support you becuase some pple say things but that can all change later on in life. Gd luck!!! Hope this helps.

Answer #2

I agree with them. and since your 13, your body isnt ready for a baby. Hey im 17, and I dont want a baby. Dude they arent as easy to take car of as you think. but anyways like I said your body isnt ready and you can get seriously hurt having one. It can crush your pelvis, and not only that but when its coming out it can pull out your insides with it. and you would have to get reconstruction surgery, and you may never be able to have another baby again. think about it.

Answer #3

dont do it… seriously uve got so much more fun to have over the next like 10 years dont mess it up by having a kid if you like this guy enough no one says you cant stay with him 4eva cept you may want to consider this more so seeing as your only 13 turning 14…seriously also your mum would obviously most likely be quite hurt and dissapointed…I cant tell you what to do but just think aobut this first…

Answer #4

word youpunk

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