what do you do?

what do you do when you feel like your lifes a total mess and you just want it to all end? what do you do when you cant tell anyone wats up because you care about them, and dont want them worried? what do you do when you always cry at night after a bad day? just what do you do?

Answer #1

I used to do this A LOT… When I had those nights when I’d cry myself to sleep I’d listen to music,write songs,or just come on here and ask an anonymous question.. But, it is better to talk to someone about your problems rather than let them kill you on the inside.. If you need/wanna talk bout ANYTHIN im here…Funmail me :)

Answer #2

I am a lot like that, I’ve stopped going to school because of it and am now booked down the doctors to have councelling, wich I DONT want :/ I know you dont want to worry poeple you love with this problem but think how worried they would be if they knew you suffered like this. Talking to people always makes you feel better so I think you should. good luck :] xx

Answer #3

try your best to cope with it. I found people that I can trust, and they help me through it all. ^_^

Answer #4

I think you should go and see a doctor. Some of your symptoms sound like depression, and anti-depressants can make a huge difference (despite their bad press) or other therapies may help.

Also I understand you not wanting to tell anyone who you care about as you don’t want them to worry, but think about it another way… If it was them who were feeling that bad, would you want them to tell you so you could help them?

The very best of luck to you.

Answer #5

I thought of reinvention as the best cure to have a new you.. try to know your weak points, and what drives you forward. if you feel you need to some improvements on something, ask a good afriend and make things better. it’s not that you’re gonna change who you are, but improving you, and giving out the best you’ve got will make a big difference.. start having your own standard, and be happy with it..

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