What do I do about my parents?

What do I do bout parents? They are never round and when my mom is she just watches tv and ignores me the whole time and I try 2 talk 2 bout it and like she just tells me 2 go away and 2 stop talking 2 her…and dad I think hes seeing someone but like my rents are seperated not divorced but he has a girlfriend I’ve found things you know…and he didnt tell us or anything he still thinks we dont know…but I told my mom and she got rilly upset and then they fight and I cant handle it im sick of them…their the reason I cut…most of the reason anyway what do I do? =[

Answer #1

tell your mom that it really matters to you that you have a good relationship with her and that they’re fighting is causing you harm in the form of stress…hang in there!!! :(

Answer #2

you may not beleive me but I understand where you cumn from,my parent are never there.I personally have no problem with that because when they are,they are everything I hate about people!cutting will not make the situation better,think bout what I just said cause it does mak sense.also,do something 2 get their attention.as soon as they see their little girl has grown up or became something unfimiliar to them they will realize how much you really miss something when its gone.im going through the same rite now,im now stayin with myy sister,cause I cant be their with them nemore..please mssge me if you wanna talk..

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