Want to get pregnant

I am 16 and I really want to get pregnant, I have a boyfriend but he can’t get me pregnant. I just wish I could get a guy that wants to have sex, and just that to get me pregnant. I would do anything! Please guys if you live in michigan please email me back! I don’t care what you look like or how old you are. Thanks! P.s. I know it sounds very weird but I need someone to love me very bad, I have had a very bad life!

Answer #1

DONT GET A BABY please…just not yet! your only 16 why do you hate your life? it cant be that bad. also I thinku shuld get married 1st I know there is a guy in the world that loves you and you love him back when you find him…hang out..get to know him good…have fun dont start that stuff yet…besides you need a good job to get the money to pay for the baby anyway…and think bout being pregnant…its going to hurt…and your probly still in school right??? wait tll your done…have a good education…just please dont start it yet…I dont even want to get pregnat at all…u know im only 13 lol and if I did want to do it I would when im 20 something…well not 20 something because I wont b finished with college…maybe 28

all im trying to say is that your too young and you shouldnt start anything like that just yet besides your life is more importent…your education and everything…u’ll be hapy soon your life will be happier and and u’ll get a chance to do all you want LATER k just please listen to me:] :] :] thank you lol I never talked this much before

Answer #2

Im sorry im not rtying to be a nagging parent, but you do relize once you have a baby your young life is gone pretty much, im 36 and got pregnant when I was 19 years old still to young, but it happens. do you relize what your going to give up to raise a child? NO life for ahwile, if you have any plans what to do in your life you can forget about them 4 awhile as well, your friends will pretty much forget about you because they dont want to be stuck around babies , unless you have good friends and will be there 4 you, but im telling you think about it, its very hard and very exspensive raising kids and if your man dont stick around thats even worse, I know from experience so please think before you try to get yourself pregnant, no matter how bad 1s life can be why would you want to bring another life in yours if it’s so bad? Hope all works out 4 the best 4 you.

Answer #3

okay…let me get this straight…you think having a baby will make someone love you? what the heck are you thinking?

can you support a baby? can you support yourself? do you have any idea whatsoever what having a baby means? are you willing to raise this baby into adulthood?
the baby won’t be a baby forever…they grow up faster then you think.

you have some deep seated issuses if you think having a baby will fix your problems.

what about yourf boyfriend? what kind of a girl is willing to bed anyone just to have a child? by the sound of your post you are not emotionally mature or ready for this in any respect. if you’re claiming you have nothing in your life, and you’ve dropped out of school you still are not ready for a child!!

What sort of job will you be getting to support this child? The cost of living is going up quickly and you have make sure your child grows up healthy and edjucated. all that costs money!

A baby will be looking for you to support it emotionally as well…how often will you be able to be there while you’re looking for a job that will accept a person without a high school education? Are you planning on having your boyfriend there? what if he realizes you’ve been ASKING ONLINE FOR SOMEONE TO GET YOU PREGNANT?! do you think he’ll be around then? Will your family or friends be the one watching the child?

Are you planning on having your family or friends support you and another child?

you are asking a unknown person to help you bring a small, helpless life into this rather harsh and tough world…think about what you’re not only commiting yourself to, but what sort of life you are condeming your baby to as well…

Answer #4

More to the point, your own body is still growing and as much as you might not want to believe it your still a child Your body probably isnt physically developed enough to cope with the changed of pregnancy. I dont think you realise how life changing having a child is, when your pregnant your skin will stretch and you’ll gain weight and most likely leave you with stretch marks all over your stomach and thighs. When you give birth your vaging will stretch and will never be the same again, they may even have to cut it open a little to allow for a difficult birth. Once you have a baby you wont be able to travel, get a normal job, go out and socialise, because you wont have the time…you need to wait untill uve lived your own life before you bring another one into this world, if you dont when your 30 with a 14 year old son/daughter and uve achieved nothing you’ll resent the child. Its not fair on a baby, your too young to be able to take on such a huge responsibility. don’t get pregnant, really think about the consequences, talk to a doctor who can give you proffessional advice.

Answer #5

lol ok im 15 and really want to be pregnant everytime I see a baby im like aww but after babysitting them im like argh! lol you need to realise what comes with a baby I know its just hormones that all girls get at our ages

Answer #6

Get your life back on track, not add MORE problems to it. Having a baby because your life sucks is purely selfish! Heres a website for you to read>>http://menstuff.org/issues/byissue/iwanttohaveababy.html#want

Answer #7

im am telling you what I think. not trying to be rude. without a highschool education, you have a job to fully support a baby? for some reason I doubt it. maybe problem’s not the right word, more like issue.

Answer #8

I am not imature but if you knew what me life is like you would understand, I am 100% able to care for a baby, I know what this site is, I also know it is for anything. a baby isn’t a problem to me either. you didn’t have to send me a rude email, I did nothing to you. sorry if I affendid you in any way I just want to get pregnant. I droped out of school so I have nothing in my life.

Answer #9

well srry if this is mean but your decision is STUPID your CRAZY for droppin out of school at 16 and thinking a baby will make it all better your even moreSTUPID fro asking to do it with anyone your just I mean wth s wrong with you get counseling immediately and after you have a baby by a stranger your going to be more sad because hell leave you and your going to have to take care of a whining baby at 16 what IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!


Answer #10

thats the most retarded thing I’ve ever heard in my life. you want a baby, by just anyone. your 16. im sure not able to support a baby.. and obviously way to immature. you really need to talk to a counselor or something. that’s not a solution, it’s creating a whole new problem. a baby is not a temporary thing.’

and this site is not to find a sex partner, it’s for advice.

Answer #11

Wow, I feel bad for your parents. Because apparently they didn’t raise you right.

Your going to through away 18 years of you life taking care of another human being, by yourself? Are you even physically, emotionally or financially ready to support a child? Being 16, I seriously f*cking doubt it babe. Grow up.

Hahahaha, this is the absolute dumbest thing I’ve ever heard on this site.

“p.s. I know it sounds very weird but I need someone to love me very bad, I have had a very bad life!”

NEWSFLASH: Having a baby will not make people love you, and if your going to have a random guy get you pregnant. He won’t love you either. He’ll just hit it and quit it, but leave you with all the responsibility. Think about this a little more.

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