What are your views on human cloning?

Do you think it should be legal in the US? There are several pro’s and con’s of human cloning….are you for, or against it?

Answer #1

I dont see if it is actually worth it. Yea maybe that there a few benefits but how much does making a clone cost? Our world is already over populated.

Answer #2

I honestly see no justifiable reason for cloning. People have never had a problem reproducing - why take away one of the last natural abilities we have?

Answer #3

yea we dont need another justin bieber in the world we got chuck norris :-]]

Answer #4

While it would be a huge break through and achievement in the scientific community - its unneccasary. I can understand that some people are for it because of being able to use organs from clones to save lives, however, at some point we need to step back and accept that people are going to die and thats part of life. The same people that want to save everyones lives and have people live forever are b!tching about elderly using so much money in medicare.

Answer #5

I think it’s like landing on the moon. It’s fun, exciting, and then once it’s been done, no one will actually care and they’ll figure out they just spent a whole lot of money for absolutely no good reason.

Answer #6

There are too many ethical issues with cloning for it to be worth while.

For example the stem cell research that will “save lives” is essentially wrong. So someone is dying, that sucks. But does it justify the life of a featus? On the other hand again does it matter if it was manifactured and would never live anyway?

WAY WAY too complicated for it to be deemed right in my opinion.

Answer #7

im hearing a bunch of crying here. i really dont see anything wrong with it. over populated? says who. you? wow thats a good source. plenty of space still left on this planet. i do not think cloning is taking away our natural ability to reproduce, its not a baby being made. also what kind of cloning we talking about. like instant clone of myself or stem cell research crap. both are awesome. and its not like landing on the moon and finding out we spent a bunch of money cause we still study the moon. and other planets. i dont understand fetus thing but exactly whats wrong with cloning. why are so many people scared to advance science? and yes you have your opinion. . . blah blah blah.

Answer #8

ummm you cannot get an instant clone of yourself. That is science fiction crap

Answer #9

For one thing, it depends what kind of cloning you are talking about. Reproductive cloning (eg. to produce genetically identical offspring) is pointless. The point of sexual reproduction is genetic recombination to give our species a greater chance of survival. Also, there is evidence from dolly the sheep that cloned animals have health problems due to the advanced age of their genetic information. There is more use in the other kind of cloning - therapeutic cloning, where you can regrow body parts which is pretty cool. I am less opposed to that, although there are are few issues that need to be addressed (more scientific problems that ethical problems!).

Answer #10

Lol, exactly. I am talking about actual cloning…by scientists….not that you hear about in movies, or read in a book. A lot of people think it should be legal, because it can save lives, and all that. Others think it should be illegal because it is morally wrong, and goes against their religion.

Answer #11

ok. thank you danielle for the obvious. and to angelee i dont care for the religious views cause no where in the bible, the koran, or etc., have anything in there against cloning. so i blieve anyone pushing religion on this issue has no argument. and morally wrong? that blows my mind as to how its morally wrong. i dont understand that. different cultures have different morals. and who is to say “I have the best standard of morals.” , says WHO!!!!???? whats wrong with saving lives. continued in another message below.

Answer #12

another issue that people seem to have with cloning is saving lives as a benefit but others see as a con to this research. thats like saying why study medicine if someone is to die let them die. we all die in the big circle of life. old people are taking money away from the young. bo who. thats when we amp up the age of retirement. oh but then what about the old people already? research medicine so they have upkeep with society. what about my sick children. leave em let em die. who needs them. blah blah blah and so on and so forth. like really when do we get out of this cirlce of crying about everything from one issue. we dont. im glad there are people who will push away the weak and keep up with the strong. survival of the fittest. if cloning keeps me from dying and you from living, peace out and lets research.

Answer #13

I was simply explaining my question. That is what other people think, and that is their reasoning for being for, or against it. It’s just their opinions.

If it was so obvious that making an instant clone of yourself is not possible, and it is science fiction…then why did you say this…? “also what kind of cloning we talking about. like instant clone of myself or stem cell research crap. both are awesome.” You said both are awesome…but the thing is one isn’t real….so that is what Danielle was saying.

Answer #14

this is where you think of family members as part of this dying part of life thing. if stem cell research or cloning were to help a dying member in YOUR family what is your response? do it or dont? let them live or die? now i know you wont answer it the way it would go down in reality but just think about it. i know i would want a family member to live than to suffer till they die 2 months later or however long. i really think most people in a situation like that would smack themselves because they were so “morally against it” and would go forth with stem cell.

Answer #15

Also, nobody is crying… =/ They are simply stating their opinions…whether they are for, or against human cloning.

Answer #16

so you dont care about the religious aspect, and you seem to have no clue about the scientific aspect… Perhaps you shouldnt comment on topics you actually know nothing about. “Stem cell crap” is not cloning by the way.

Answer #17

The world is over populated already.. the last thing we need is another Moe or another Miley Cyrus.. :)

Answer #18

sorry but i dont know the scientific aspect of stem cell and cloning? very similar if you read about it danielle. the difference is that in stem cell you can create different cells from and cell. well in which can be like cloning. cause you can make body parts, like muscles, stomach, liver, brain, oh and this is the part where you might need to read the same beginning process as cloning. lots of ppl dont like stem cell research cause it leads to cloning. wait what? cloning? whats that? but what gets me is as to why cloning is not ethical? or why it is morally wrong? and plz ppl have an imagination. instant cloning? how would that not be possible? yeah its science fiction now but so what all the sh*t we have now. really think about it. we are science fiction to the people in the past. and instant cloning is something of the science realm which has been thought of. it wont be a feat which we can do very soon at all. but it has to do with light particles. oh wait this is where the scientific aspect jumps in. . . light particles have shown to be in two places at once sometimes. if that can happen with one kind of particle (photon) why couldnt it happen for another. hhmmm. yeah quantum physics is amazing. but really just wanna as well why ppl think its wrong for cloning?

Answer #19

We don’t need the one we got now.

Answer #20

Have you ever watched The Island?

Answer #21

ummm you are explaining science to a biomedical researcher. And actually, the main objection to stem cells is a moral opposition to aquiring them from foetal tissue.

Answer #22

I hate it when people argue with people who actually know about something…and who actually study it. =/ I am pretty sure Danielle knows what she is talking about…she makes A LOT more sense than you thehairdude.

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