Very Confused and Paranoid

I am 23 years old and my boyfriend is 22. We have been going out for 4 months.I was in an abusive relationship a couple of years ago and it took me a long time to feel better. I have been on antidepressant for about 2 years because of this and other things in my past but the fact is my current relationship is going well and I dont want to loose him. My problem is that when I go out with my friends on a night out for example I am so scared of doing anything "wrong" I worry after I speak to other guys or have a dance with a male for example. I always ask my pals "did I do anything wrong?" when deep down I know I never want to cheat on my boyfriend or dont think I did anything wrong but worry I'll do something I cant remember. This is consuming me and I worry myself so much I can feel ill.I want to try and enjoy my nights out and relax with friends and have drinks etc but I am finding this harder. Please help?

Answer #1

If you can't handle yourself when you're drunk then I would have one of your friends hold you accountable throughout the night or actually bring your bf along. Either that or don't drink so much. When I'm out I make it a point to let guys know I'm taken. Let them flirt and dream.

Answer #2

Sorry, but if you truly loved him, surely you’d know to give up the alcohol. I’m surprised your man has stuck around. Nightclub men aren’t worth losing a long-term relationship over. Sometimes you just have to make sacrifices when you’re in a relationship. I know i do.

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