
I have the LG envy 2 and it keeps breaking. I’ve noticed LG phones suck. Anyone else have problems with an LG phone?

Answer #1

I have the voyager..its GREAT, but it shuts off every now& then but its my dream phone so I will not complain about it lmfao

Answer #2

I just went in to get a new one and the guy said it was because I always carry it in my pocket. I guess the buttons all got pushed at once which made them stop working

Answer #3

Every LG phone I’ve had has actually been the best. Samsung for me has been the worst. However, I have a friend that just told me today he’s had 5 envy 2 because it kept breaking. He went to the verizon store and kept complaining and they gave him an envy 3. It just might be the phone that is just the problem. I would go to the store and explain that it keeps breaking and you want a different kind of phone, usually they’ll do it.

Answer #4

I have the LG enV and it turns off all the time and everytime I go and get a new phone, same problem… sucks

Answer #5

I have the LG envy 2 also and im in myy 4th one bc it keeps breaking but as soon as I go bk 2 the store theyy give me a new one and honestlyy I love the phone anywayys

Answer #6

I think its just the envy’s in general. Everybody I know with an envy HATES it. Even the envy touch.

Answer #7

Really!? Thank you I’ll do that

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