Vendors and their pitch

My question after you read the story is do you agree with mimis friends:

Story: mimi is a size 6 but looks smaller and she went to a flea market and a woman was trying to sell a pair of jeans. keep in mind mimi and the vendor were facing one another but almost neck to neck.

The woman turned to mimi and said “i have a pair of jeans I want to sell. you are a size 10. My daughter is a size 10.”

That night when mimi went home she told her friends what the vendor said

Mimi’s friends said” the vendor just wants to sell her jeans, she would say the same thing to a size 2”

Answer #1

Although Mimi’s friends are right, they shouldn’t have told her the that. It’s just fueling her obsession with herself and her irrational ideals. If they were real friends, they’d be having an intervention with her and helping her in the long run. Poor thing.

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