vanilla ice

is he appropieate singer to listen to with your mom around of your 13 I dont care if shes gone…because I wanna shirt that says ice ice baby but I dont wanna get it if my mom would b looking at me weird. im not really the girl tat feels comfterble saying gay and talking bout sex by my mom just feels ocward I and differnet behind her

Answer #1

Not sure what your real question is here… but from what I can get…

If you like Vanilla Ice, and your mom does… then what’s the problem to listen together? None I can see. If your mom doesn’t like him, then it wont matter because she’ll probably tell you to turn it down, or wear earphones.

On wearing a shirt with Ice Ice Baby on it — OF COURSE your mother is going to look weird at you – she’s your mom! That doesnt mean she gets what you’re thinking all the time, so unless she’s offended, at which point she wouldnt let you get it in the first place, I wouldnt worry too much about it.

ALL parents look weird at their kids! They’re trying to figure them out and trying to see what they might have in common in some way from when they were that age, and they’re trying to make sure you dont make too big of a fool of yourself without always coming across as being against you.

On talking about sex with your mom — Either or both of you feeling awkward about talking about it is normal – even so, it is important that both of you try to get past that because for you, she’ll be the most important place to get REAL information from because your friends wont know anymore than you, even if they sound like they do. It’s ok to feel weird or awkward about it…your mom was raised a certain way, and I’m sure it was even harder for her when she needed to know things from her mom. It’s a LOT easier today than when she was your age when it comes to talking about sex.

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