Valentines Day/Birthday

What are some ideas to get a boyfriend for valentines day?? also his birthday is ten days after it. So any ideas for birthday too???

Answer #1

For Valentines Day you can try making something for him yourself….he would really treasure something like that from you

Answer #2

One time I made my BF(now EX) a musical DVD of photos of us during our dating year together…there are some really easy programs that make your dvds look really pro…fades in and out…put your own music of your fav songs together…. also….I don’t know if you have MYSPACE together…but I bought a blanket and put a big patch on it saying “ OUR SPACE” and put the date on it…..he loved it! There is a great wesite with many ideas have fun!

Answer #3

what to get my boyfriend for valentines day?

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