Vaginal odor

Im 13; And my vagina gives A weird odor. Its not very pleasent; And im a bigg masturbater I have no idea what to do; So please help me out Thank you

Answer #1

does it smell like fish do you give out a white discharge is it itchy does it burn???

Answer #2

There are different products you can get - but I wouldn’t worry about getting any until you are sexually active unless its bugging you that bad. The only stuff I’ve heard of for it is called Enzara, but if you go to the doctor he/she will most likely recommend something.

Answer #3

well since we are girls (which sometimes I wish I wasnt lol) our periods can make our bodies do weird things… some discharge is normal it will be whiteis clear, and everybody smells different down there… you are what you eat… if it is really a concern but you dont want to got ot the doctor I would suggest looking for an at home test like the vagisil screening kit- you know the commercial with the color thing that goes from yellow to blue?

You can always drink cranberry juice (my mom always tells me its good for our bodies and so is folic acid- you could just be short on an element or chemical that your body needs for it to function down there)

write to me if you need more help…

Answer #4

like wash everyday thats what I do and when your on your period wash like 5 times a day

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